Hi there 👋

  • About me
    • Software Engineer at Microsoft
    • Musician and composer with music available on most streaming services
    • President/COO and founder of Digital Defiance, a non-profit Open Source Engineering Guild
    • Open Source advocate and contributor
    • Women's, minority, and disabled rights advocate
    • Disabled due to aggressive/advanced metastatic thyroid cancer, COPD, long COVID

Much is "up in the air" or "on pause" right now due to cancer's impact on my health. I had made a burst of effort on a number of my projects, but ultimately I think I am going to dedicate more of my time to reading and less to coding since I don't seem to have anyone that uses or cares about my code. I hope it will be useful to someone, but it seems I am not going to be the one to finish it. My cancer prognosis has shifted towards incurable, and although it isn't immediately terminal, I may only have a few years- not all of which will be "good time". So I am trying to refocus my life on work and reading and getting rid of things I've accumulated over my life. Sorry I wasn't able to code more or finish everything. I tended to jump between projects, never finishing anything but always starting something new. Still, I think I've left a chunk of useful code for anyone who wants to borrow it. Lots of good stuff in the BrightChain repo. Encryption, ethereum hdkeys, all kinds of goodies. Even reed-solomon block recovery. Check it out if you have an interest.

  • 🔭 I started an Open Source/FOSS Guild called "Digital Defiance" which is a non profit incorporated in WA state and is officially 501c3. It has absorbed most of my projects at least in theory. Right now we're actively working on a number of projects.

  • I work on a lot of side projects, always starting new things. I usually circle back to projects eventually.

  • I am currently un-mothballing some of the projects I set aside when I was sicker. I am still finding a balance between my personal time and my work time, but unfortunately the work comes first.

    • Most of what I am currently working on is in TypeScript and in NX based monorepos. I previously tried to merge multiple projects into a massive monorepo and that didn't pan out very well for Docker and the like, so I've started to break things back apart into their own separate monorepos.
    • BrightChain
    • GridIron
    • Project Albatross
    • Albatross One
    • Chili and Cilantro
    • OpenBook
    • A number of my projects utilized Firebase but Google moved my quota of projects to zero which effectively shut me down. I have been working on developing a new pattern based on typescript, node, express, and react but it takes time.
  • My old projects aren't totally abandoned- though some are kind of ideas I've thought about and may interest you, so I've left whatever work (if any) I've done. 🤷‍♀️ I may swing back yet... Occasionally I'll pick one of them back up out of the blue and update it. Most of it is ideas in search of an audience.

  • 🌱 I’m always learning. I'm rebuilding my life as a software engineer and musician after losing many years and a lot of ability to cancer, autoimmune diseases, and then COVID/Long COVID which further provoked the autoimmune issues. I always am trying to stay current in a lot of different areas. Pushing my knowledge on C#/Blazor, JavaScript, TypeScript and more.

  • 💬 Ask me about Software Engineering, Music, Writing. Programmer since ~1987, professional since 1994. Embedded systems, DSP, Web/Full Stack. C/C++, Python, PHP, C#, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript/ECMAScript, ActionScript/Flex, Perl, Go, Pascal, and more.

  • 📫 How to reach me: jessica [at] mulein [dot] com

  • 😄 Pronouns: Mercurial/Highness/Majesty (she/her if you really want to know)

  • ⚡ Fun fact: I was once a licensed coal miner and have coded in the deepest darkest places on earth. I have lived rather diverse and separate lives under several names. One of my names is on millions of bookshelves.

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