
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Last edit : 29 July 2019

Recommender system using LightFM (without knowledge graph), trained using custom MovieLens-20M dataset.

Domain of problems

Given a user and a list of items, find the top k items that user might like.


  • /data : contains dataset to use in training
    • /intersect-20m : custom ml-20m dataset where only movies shows up in Ripple-Net's knowledge graph used.
    • /ml-1m : original movielens 1m dataset
  • /log : contains training result stored in single folder named after training timestamp.
  • /test : contains jupyter notebook used in testing the trained models
  • logger.py : log training result and save models
  • main.py : script to run training
  • LightFM.ipynb : jupyter notebook to make LightFM model (no longer used)


*italic* means this folder is ommited from git, but necessary if you need to run experiments
**bold** means this folder has it's own README, check it for detailed information :)


Installing dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Where to download the dataset

You can download the intersect-20m dataset here.

Note : Dataset is put on separate repository because it's shared among models.

Missing component that are required

  • data/intersect-20m/ratings_re2.csv : After download the dataset, unzip the ratings_re2.zip and put inside the same folder as other things downloaded.
  • data/intersect-20m/ratings.csr : csr matrix (row = user, col = items, value = ratings) created with intersect-20m ratings, this file can be created using this jupyter notebook (Preprocess.ipynb inside the dataset).

How to prepare data

Simply provide data/intersect-20m/ratings.csr and run main.py, the script will preprocess it before training begin.

How to run

  1. Prepare the dataset (check section below this)
  2. Run the training script
    python3 main.py


How to change hyper parameter

There are several ways to do this :

  1. Open main.py and change the args parser default value
  2. run main.py with arguments required.

Testing / Evaluation

How to check training result

  1. Find the training result folder inside /log (find the latest), copy the folder name.
  2. Create copy of latest jupyter notebook inside /test folder.
  3. Rename folder to match a folder in /log (for traceability purpose).
  4. Replace TESTING_CODE at the top of the notebook.
  5. Run the notebook

Final result

Evaluated on Prec@10
500 user 0.09100
1000 user 0.09330
5000 user 0.09902
13850 user 0.09864
25000 user 0.09764
Evaluated on Distinct@10 Unique items
10 user 0.23000 23
30 user 0.04333 13
100 user 0.01300 13
1000 user 0.00190 19
3000 user 0.00043 13

Other findings

  • Models tends to suggest generic items that are rated high by a large number of users.
  • LightFM model is much slower to train & test (compared to Autorec) since it doesn't support GPU
  • It's user centric, when predicting, the model require input (users, items) and will output score for each user-items pairing.
  • Require re-train if model want to predict for new user
  • Model can be improved using user's features and item's features (also handle cold-start problem)


  • Model can handle cold-start problem; improved using user's features and item's features (eg: user genre preferences / other features).
  • The model uses suitable loss and metric (Prec@k)


  • Models tends to suggest generic items that are rated high by a large number of users.
  • LightFM model is much slower to train & test (compared to Autorec) since it doesn't support GPU
  • It's user centric, when predicting, the model require input (users, items) and will output score for each user-items pairing
  • Require re-train if model want to predict for new user

Experiment notes

  • The model doesn't learn when dimension set to 64

