
Nodejs module containing the GraphQL back end for ParkHero

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Part of the ParkHero Project

Nodejs module to run the serverless, back end for ParkHeroReactNative. This project is designed to be modular to account for the future changes in Disney's API.

Folder or File Description Depends On
Router.js Dispatches GraphQL requests & cron jobs to api handler api/ core/ dis/
api/ High-Level handlers that are passed the GraphQL requests core/ dis/
core/ Core logic of the back end (order FastPasses, predictions, etc.) dis/
dis/ Client for Disney's unoffical API -
tests/ Tests core logic (mocks Disney API) core/


The API is a GraphQL API deployed on AWS AppSync and AWS Lambda.

Attractions (Rides + Resort)

Endpoint Method Params Return Type Description
getRides Query - [Ride] Get all rides and the wait times & fastpasses stored in db
getRideTimes Mutation - [Ride] Get the latest wait and Fastpass data from Disney's API & update the database
getRideDPs Query date: String ("2019-05-30")
rideID: String
[RideDataPoints] Provides more static information on the ride with rideID as well as all wait times and FastPasses for the date
getEvents Query date: String ("2019-05-30") [Event] Get all events (ex. Fantasmic) and the times they are showing
updateCustomAttractionInfo Mutation attractionID: String!
customName: String ("Thunder")
pics: [Pic]
- For the attractionID (either a Ride or Event), update the customName if not null (no profanity check since user only). Update the order of the pictures to match the provided pics array. If pic.added=true, save the image to S3.
updateFilter Mutation filterName: String!
attractionIDs: [String]
filterType: String ("ride" or "event")
watchConfig: WatchConfig
- Create or update filter with new attractions and notification preferences (watchConfig)
getFilters Query - [Filter] Get attraction filters belonging to the user
deleteFilters Mutation filterNames: [String]
filterType: String
- Delete all filters in filterNames belonging to the same fitlerType
getSchedules Query - [ParkSchedule] Get schedules for the Disneyland resort
getWeather Query date: String ("2019-05-30") [Weather] get 24 Weather entries for the date (index corresponds to hour)


Endpoint Method Params Return Type Description
createUser Mutation name: String User On first start, create user and can provide an optional name (will be checked for profanity)
updateUser Mutation name: String
imgUri: String ("...")
User If name provided, update profile name. imgUri is URI encoded image data to set as profilePic if not null. Returns updated user.
verifySNS Mutation token: String!
endpointArn: String
subscriptionArn: String
endpointUserID: String
VerifySnsResult Create a new SNS topic to send notifications directly to the user.
Use the token to create a new SNS endpoint for the User's device.
Subscribe the user to their new topic.
searchUsers Query prefix: String [User] Get users with name beginning with the prefix
addFriend Mutation friendID: String! Boolean Send friend invite or accept friend invite (if one exists). true if user with id of friendID was added, false if invite was sent instead.
getFriends Query - [User] Get profile of all friends
removeFriend Mutation friendID: String! - Unfriend user with id of friendID
inviteToParty Mutation memberID: String! - Invite user with id of memberID to your current party
getInvites Query - [Invite] Get all party and friend invitations
acceptPartyinvite Mutation inviterID: String! [User] Join party you were invited to by the user with id inviterID. Return other members in the party.
deleteInvite Mutation type: Int (0 = friend, 1 = party)
isOwner: Boolean
userID: String
- Delete an invite sent to you or an invite you sent to someone else (depends on isOwner) that belongs to type for the userID
getPartyMembers Query - [User] Get profiles of all party members
leaveParty Mutation - - Leave the party you are currently in

Park Passes

Endpoint Method Params Return Type Description
updatePass Mutation passID: String!
isPrimary: Boolean
isEnabled: Boolean
UserPass Add or update park pass with passID to the user if its a valid passID. If primary show it first, if enabled its visible to the party
getUserPasses Query userID: String [UserPasses] Get park passes and profile of user with userID. Only allowed if user is your friend or in your party.
removePass Mutation passID: String! - Remove pass with passID belonging to the user
getFriendPasses Query - [UserPasses] Get all park passes for friends
syncPasses Mutation passID: String - All passes will be added to an official Disney app user who owns a pass with id passID. Used to easily order the MaxPass from the official app.
getPartyPasses Query - PassGroup Get park passes and profiles of all party members. Also, send splitters (users that want to split the pass view with you)
updateSplitters Mutation groupID: String! ("party")
action: String! ("split", "unsplit", "merge")
SplitterUpdate The groupID specifies a group within a party that will determine how park passes are split between users. The action determines how that group is modified
subUpdateSplitters Subscription groupID: String! SplitterUpdate Subscribe to changes to the users splitting the pass group of id groupID
refreshPasses Mutation - - Update each park pass in the party with data from Disney's API (used to update MaxPass status)

Fast Passes

Endpoint Method Params Return Type Description
updatePlannedFpTransactions Mutation plannedTransactions: [PlannedFpTransactionIn] FastPassData Update the party's planned FastPasses to the provided
getFastPasses Query - FastPassData Get planned and scheduled FastPasses for all party members

Data Types

Attractions (Rides + Resort)


Represents an attraction with varying wait times

PropertyName Type Description
id String! ID for attraction from Disney
info AttractionInfo Consistent information of attraction
time RideTime Current status of ride


Represents park event with showtimes (ex. Fantasmic)

PropertyName Type Description
id String! ID for attraction from Disney
info AttractionInfo Consistent information of attraction
dateTimes [String] The dateTimes the event is showing today in format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"


Information of attraction that isn't updated often

PropertyName Type Description
name String Display name, can be set by user
officialName String Attraction name provided by Disney
picUrl String url for ride's thumbnail
officialPicUrl String Ride thumbnail provided by Disney
land String The land within the park the attraction is located
height String Minimum height to ride attraction
labels String List of properties for the ride
customPicUrls [String] List of urls for pictures of the ride from the user and Disney


Data that constantly changes for a ride with a monitored queue

PropertyName Type Description
status String Availability of ride ( "Operating", "Down", "Closed", "Operates Seasonally")
waitTime Int Estimated # of minutes guest must spend in queue (from Disney)
fastPassTime String The datetime a FastPass could be redeemed if aquired now ("2019-02-09T19:30:00.000Z")
waitRating Float Rates how good the current wait time is using predictions, ranges from 0-10 with 10 being the best wait time
changedTime String The last time Disney changed the wait time or status of the ride ("2019-02-09T19:30:00.000Z")
changedRange String The maximum time the change went without updating (00:05:00 = 5 mins without updating)


The varying data for a ride on a date

PropertyName Type Description
rideID String ID of the ride the data is for
rideName String Custom or official name of ride
ridePicUrl String url for ride's thumbnail
rideOfficialPicUrl String Ride thumbnail provided by Disney
rideOpenDateTime String The dateTime the ride opened ("2019-02-09T19:30:00.000Z")
rideCloseDateTime String The dateTime the ride closes ("2019-02-09T19:30:00.000Z")
rideLabels String List of properties for the ride
dps [RideDataPoint] Predictions and historical data for wait times & FastPasses on this date


The predicted and historical queue data at a given dateTime

PropertyName Type Description
prediction RidePredictDataPoint The predicted waitMins & fastPassTime at given dateTime
history RideHistoricalDataPoint The historical waitMins,fastPassTime, and status at that time
waitMins Float The # of minutes to wait for the ride at the DateTime (will be history but falls back to prediction)
fastPassTime String The fastPassTimeat the dateTime in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (will be history but falls back to prediction)
dateTime String The dateTime for the values in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" format


Contains predicted ride queue data

PropertyName Type Description
waitMins Float The predicted # of minutes to wait
fastPassTime String The predicted time the FastPasses will be for


Contains historical ride queue data

PropertyName Type Description
waitMins Float The historical # of minutes to wait
fastPassTime String The historical fastPassTime
status String Availability of ride ( "Operating", "Down", "Closed", "Operates Seasonally")


Image data that indicates if it needs to be uploaded

PropertyName Type Description
url String The uri encoded image OR the url pointing to the image (ex. "...")
added Boolean Indicates if the image has to be uploaded. url must be a uri encoded image if this is true.


A named list of attractions that can be displayed or watched

PropertyName Type Description
name String The name & unique ID of the filter
attractionIDs [String] IDs for ride or events that belong to the filter
type String Specifies the type of attraction this filter is for ("event" or "ride")
watchConfig WatchConfig If defined, the attractions will be monitored for changes and, if parameters in watchConfig are met, the user will be notified


Users can get notifications if parameters in this configuration are met

PropertyName Type Description
waitTime Int If # of minutes the queue wait is >= this value, send notification (if null ignore)
waitRating Float If waitRating is >= this value, send notification (if null ignore)
fastPassTime String If fastPasses are now available >= this time, send notification (if null ignore)


Information on park hours & other info for a date

PropertyName Type Description
parkName String The name of the park the schedule is for
parkIconUrl String The location of the image for the icon of the park
blockLevel Int Indicates what tier of annual passes are blocked from park entry (the higher, the more exclusive)
crowdLevel Int The estimated crowd for the date ranges from 0-5, 5 being max crowds
openTime String The time the park opens in format HH:mm:ss
closeTime String The time the park closes in format HH:mm:ss
magicStartTime String The time magic hours start in format HH:mm:ss
magicEndTime String The time magic hours stop in format HH:mm:ss
date String The date the schedule is for in YYYY-MM-DD


Information about weather (forecast or historical) at a dateTime

PropertyName Type Description
dateTime String The dateTime the weather is for
rainStatus Int The magnitude of the rain (0-5)
feelsLikeF Int The apparent temperature in fahrenheit



The basic profile for a user

PropertyName Type Description
id String The id of the user (AWS Cognition id)
name String The customizable display name of the user
profilePicUrl String Url points to profile picture of this user


Data about the Sns subscription of the user

PropertyName Type Description
endpointArn String The identifier for the endpoint of the user's device
subscriptionArn String The identifier for the endpoint's subscription to the user's topic


A party of friend invitation from one user to another

PropertyName Type Description
isOwner Boolean This user created the invite
isFriend Boolean The other user is already a friend
type Int Indicates if a party or friend invitation (0 is friend, 1 is party)
user User Other user that sent or received the invite

Park Passes


An annual or day pass for admission and some data linked with it

PropertyName Type Description
id String! The unique id for the park pass (provided by Disney)
name String The name of the person the pass belongs to
type String The tier of the pass (SoCal Annual, Deluxe, etc.)
expirationDT String The dateTime the pass expires on
isPrimary Boolean Indicates if the app user is the direct owner of this pass (its not just their kid's)
isEnabled Boolean Determines if party can see this pass, hiding helps with scanning passes
hasMaxPass Boolean Indicates if the user has bought the MaxPass for today


A user paired with one the passes they own

PropertyName Type Description
user User The user that owns the pass
pass Pass The park pass


The passes that belong to a user and the user's profile

PropertyName Type Description
user User The user that owns the pass
passes [Pass] The passes owned by the user


A group within a party that can divide passes between users (for easier scan-in)

PropertyName Type Description
userPasses [UserPasses] List passes that belong to the group with their user
splitters [String] The userIDs of users that are splitting the pass view


Describes an update that occured to the splitters for a group

PropertyName Type Description
groupID String The id of the group where the splitters changed ("party")
splitters [String] The userIDs of users that are splitting the pass view

Fast Passes


Input to queue a FastPass order (what ride, users, order in the queue, etc.)

PropertyName Type Description
id String Unique ID for the FastPass transaction
rideID String The ID of the ride the FastPass is for
passes [PlannedFpPassIn] The park passes getting the FastPass and the priority the pass is for them


The park pass to get the FastPass for and what priority it is in the queue

PropertyName Type Description
id String A park pass ID
priority Int Where the order is in the FastPass queue (0 is highest priority)


Describes a queued FastPass order (what ride, users, order in the queue, etc.)

PropertyName Type Description
id String Unique ID for the FastPass transaction
attractionID String The ID of the attraction the FastPass is for
attractionName String The display name of the attraction
attractionPicUrl String The url of the thumbnail for the attraction
attractionOfficialPicUrl String The url for Disney's thumbnail for the attraction
selectionDateTime String The dateTime (or predicted dateTime) the FastPass can be ordered - format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
fastPassTime String The dateTime (or predicted dateTime) the FastPass can be redeemed - format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
passes [PlannedFpPass] The park passes getting the FastPass and the priority the pass is for them


The park pass to get the FastPass for and what priority it is in the queue

PropertyName Type Description
id String A park pass ID
priority Int Where the order is in the FastPass queue (0 is highest priority)
nextSelectionDateTime String The next, minimum dateTime the user will be able to get another FastPass - format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"


Contains data for all FastPasses and planned FastPasses for the user's party

PropertyName Type Description
transactions [FpTransaction] A park pass ID
priority Int Where the order is in the FastPass queue (0 is highest priority)


Describes a group of ordered Fastpass near the same time & for the same ride

PropertyName Type Description
attractionID String The ID of the attraction the FastPass is for
attractionName String The display name of the attraction
attractionPicUrl String The url of the thumbnail for the attraction
attractionOfficialPicUrl String The url for Disney's thumbnail for the attraction
startDateTime String The dateTime the FastPass can be redeemed - format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
endDateTime String The dateTime the FastPass can no longer be redeemed - format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
passes [FpPass] The park passes who have the FastPass


Describes one ordered FastPass for a pass

PropertyName Type Description
id String The id of the park pass that owns the Fastpass
startDateTime String The dateTime the FastPass can be redeemed - format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
endDateTime String The dateTime the FastPass can no longer be redeemed - format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"

Cron Jobs

JobName RunsEvery Description
addRides 5 days Scrapes data from Disney's website to populate data with new rides
addSchedules 5 days Scrapes data from Disney's calendar to populate park schedules
addForecasts 2 hours Updates forecasts using DarkSky
addHistoricalRideTimes 30 minutes Adds wait times & FastPasses to database
pollUpdates 2 minutes If watching filters, check for alerts


updateLatestRideTimes is triggered when the user requests the most up-to-date wait times from the API and we want to save those values to the database