
DNN predictions for Disneyland wait times and FastPasses

Primary LanguagePython


Part of the ParkHero Project

Predicts Disneyland wait times and FastPass availability by utilizing a deep neural network regression model. The code is part of this Docker Image that I run nightly to generate graphs like this:

Graphs of attraction wait times and FastPasses

ML Data

Data Name Data Type Description
RideID Categorical A unique identifier for each attraction
OpenHour Numerical The hour (local tz) that the park opened
HoursOpen Numerical # of hours the park is open for
MagicHours Categorical If the park is allowing early entry for hotel guests
BlockLevel Categorical What level of pass is required to enter the park this day
CrowdLevel Numerical The predicted crowd level of the park today (0-5)
Temp Numerical The feels like temperature in farhenheit
IsHoliday Categorical If close to a holiday, this is true
HoursSinceOpen Numerical The # of hours the park has been open today
DOW Categorical The day of the week
Month Categorical The month
Year Categorical The year

Output will either be the FastPass or wait time of an attraction (depending on config)


First, populate config.env with the proper configurations. A Dark Sky API secret and a Google Cloud Geocoding API key must be provided. More importantly, the model will need a lot of data. The data I have in my database is in the DisneyData repo. After setting everything up, run the container using:

docker pull jester565/trainfastpasses
docker run --rm --env-file config.env jester565/trainfastpasses


To make changes to the script, simply pull this repo, make changes, and run docker build -t traindisney .

Use the command docker run --rm --env-file config.env traindisney to run the modified code.