
Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION






pnpm install pnpm build:local pnpm start:local

Note that you might have to delete .env.production to avoid CORS error with localhost:3000



The project is structured following "Screaming Architecture" approach. The structure is the following:

|-- modules/
    |-- podcasts/
        |-- domain/
        |-- application/
        |-- infra/
|-- components/
|-- hooks/
|-- sections/
|-- pages/
|-- styles/
|-- lib/
    |-- services/api
    |-- util/

The modules folder contains the different modules of the application. Each module has its own domain, application and infra layers.

The components folder contains the different UI shared components of the application.

The hooks folder contains the different generic hooks of the application.

The sections folder contains specific components and utils functions related with a module.

The pages folder contains the different pages (or Next.js routes) of the application

The styles folder contains the base styles using TailwindCSS.

The lib folder contains generic utils and configurations of the application.


Each module follows the same structure, with its own domain, application and infra layers.

|-- podcasts/
    |-- domain/
        |-- Podcast.ts
        |-- PodcastRepository.ts
    |-- application/
        |-- get/
            |-- useGetPodcast.ts
        |-- search/
            |-- useInfiniteSearchPodcasts.ts
        |-- top/
            |-- useListTopPodcasts.ts
    |-- infra/
        |-- ApiPodcastsRepository.ts


The project has unit and E2E testing. The unit testing is done using Jest and Testing Library. The E2E testing is done using Cypress.

Unit tests and Component tests are in the src/tests folder.

The E2E tests are in the cypress folder.


  • Why we choose NextJs instead of React?

    • I thought the best way to bypass the cors error was by encapsulating in my own server. Making the backend completely opaque to the client.
    • Using NextJs allows me create a kind of middleware to get the data I need giving the front end exactly the data needed.
  • Why is there Top podcasts?

    • It had no sense to just show an empty screen with a search bar. Showing top 100 podcasts is not strictly necessary, but welcome.
  • Why added infinite scroll to search?

    • You might found several podcasts after a search, infinite scroll allows you to discover new podcasts.
  • Why can't I see all the episodes from a podcast?

    • Itunes API allows to set an offset and limit with search API, but it doesn't work with lookup API. By using amp-api.music.apple.com we could get the offset functionality, but we need Apple developer program...
  • Why React Query?

    • We could use Redux toolkit, SWR, or even no library at all... But React query have Infinite scrolling and request cache out of the box, adittionally you can use the response data as global thanks to the cache system