

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP version of Yatzy Refactoring Kata

This is the PHP version of the Yatzy Refactoring Kata.

Your task is to score a GIVEN roll in a GIVEN category. You do NOT have to program the random dice rolling. The game is NOT played by letting the computer choose the highest scoring category for a given roll.


The kata uses:

Clone the repository

Install all the dependencies using composer

composer install

Run all the tests

composer test


The kata uses composer to install:


  • src - contains the Yatzy class which need to be refactored.
  • tests - contains the corresponding tests. All the tests are passing, however the tests could be improved.


PHPUnit is pre-configured to run tests. PHPUnit can be run using a composer script. To run the unit tests, from the root of the PHP kata run:

composer test

Tests with Coverage Report

To run all test and generate a html coverage report run:

composer test-coverage

The test-coverage report will be created in /builds, it is best viewed by opening /builds/index.html in your browser.

Code Standard

Easy Coding Standard (ECS) is used to check for style and code standards, PSR-12 is used.

Check Code

To check code, but not fix errors:

composer check-cs

Fix Code

There are many code fixes automatically provided by ECS, if advised to run --fix, the following script can be run:

composer fix-cs

Static Analysis

PHPStan is used to run static analysis checks:

composer phpstan

Happy coding!