Gradle plugin for generating lexers (with JFlex) and BNF parsers (with Grammar-Kit) for IntelliJ language plugins
Pinned issues
- 1
Support for IntelliJ Plugin 2.0
#202 opened by sczerwinski - 0
Make `pathToParser` and `pathToPsiRoot` optional
#178 opened by JojOatXGME - 29
Code generation isn't equal with Grammar-Kit
#3 opened by sanore - 4
- 0
Update default JFlex to 1.9.2
#152 opened by hurricup - 3
Problem with unavailable dependencies
#140 opened by oowekyala - 0
Republishing needed GrammarKit and IntelliJ dependencies as shadow Jar on MavenCentral
#134 opened by hfhbd - 0
- 0
Update default jflex to 1.9.1
#126 opened by hurricup - 1
Update default JFlex to 1.9.0
#124 opened by hurricup - 3
Unable to migrate to 2022.3
#113 opened by hurricup - 0
Move conventions of the task inputs to the tasks
#108 opened by hfhbd - 0
Support Centralized Repository Declaration
#106 opened by hfhbd - 4
Gradle tasks spuriously failing when building against 2022.3 EAP due to Java 11/17 discrepancy
#97 opened by PawelLipski - 5
Would it make sense to make `GenerateParserTask` and `GenerateLexerTask` outputs cacheable?
#89 opened by PawelLipski - 7
- 3
Can I customize repositories?
#73 opened by fxsg20151212 - 1
Could not find dev.thiagosouto:plugin:1.3.4 with `org.jetbrains.grammarkit` 2021.2.1
#69 opened by Undin - 4
GenerateLexer up-to-date checks don't work
#16 opened by stefansjs - 6
- 1
Both `GenerateLexer` and `GenerateParser` are executed even if no actual changes in the sources
#42 opened by KMax - 0
Problem with parser generator in ForTea
#48 opened by mfilippov - 2
- 2
Failed to create directory property 'targetDir'
#61 opened by lukaspj - 1
"Could not find or load main class org.intellij.grammar.Main" after update from 2021.1.3 to 2021.2
#60 opened by nils-a - 1
Update JFlex to latest version
#51 opened by mathze - 19
ImplUtil class not found
#23 opened by 62mkv - 2
How to implement PsiElement.getReference?
#39 opened by amynbe - 3
Include required libs on the task classpath
#36 opened by AlecKazakova - 0
Does not work with Gradle 7.0
#35 opened by YannCebron - 1
- 1
Infinite analysis in BNF file in IDEA
#28 opened by vlad20012 - 1
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Java 8 compatibility
#32 opened by jplaisted - 3
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/Hash$Strategy while generating parser
#31 opened by BrianPin - 5
WARN: registry accessed but not loaded yet
#30 opened by ice1000 - 1
- 0
Gradle 6.2.1 deprecation
#27 opened by ice1000 - 3
Missing 2020.1 tag and release in this repo
#26 opened by bryant1410 - 0
MergeQuery class can not be found with 2020.1
#24 opened by Undin - 5
ClassNotFoundException with IntelliJ 192
#19 opened by ice1000 - 4
- 1
Update Gradle Plugin Repository
#15 opened by breandan - 3
PicoContainer not on classpath
#14 opened by AlecKazakova - 0
Publish on the Gradle Plugin Repository
#11 opened by breandan - 1
- 6
Bug: generated lexer doesn't compile
#9 opened by ice1000 - 2
Migrate to Grammar-Kit 2017.1.2
#8 opened by ice1000 - 3
- 0
build fails without skeleton value
#2 opened by SingingBush