Self-contained component to embed in websites for running Kotlin code
- 0
The statement "val b2: Byte = 1+1" encounters a compile error, while it works well in my IDEA.
#220 opened by Kabzns - 5
Full source for available?
#160 opened by samuelneff - 1
Erro de código
#214 opened by Elvistec - 0
When the code doesn't produce an output, the playground should warn the user
#216 opened by JuniorBecari10 - 0
Add AST display as a "fake target"
#213 opened by sschuberth - 2
- 0
[Feature Request] reset code to default
#208 opened by WebTiger89 - 0
- 2
Unexpected println output
#196 opened by vadimsemenov - 4
Kotlin 2.0.0-Beta 2 on Kotlin Playground
#199 opened by eecs441staff - 2
how to use external libraries
#119 opened by christian-draeger - 1
How to change code from JS
#191 opened by voidowl-rl - 1
No main method found in project.
#177 opened by Louie-Jay - 0
#181 opened by andreLuizCunha - 1
- 1
How to pass command line arguments dynamically
#175 opened by sheu - 0
Code is automatically indented with spaces, but tabs are still inserted when I use the `Tab` key
#176 opened by chaoren - 0
- 0
Editor & console flickering
#169 opened by thetrotfreak - 0
- 5
cannot create a `hashMap` from a `List<Pair<String, String>>` by using `hashMapOf`
#167 opened by masx200 - 0
The code doesn't compile
#165 opened by bighugedev - 1
ability to use arguments that contain spaces
#164 opened by correabuscar - 1
JS IR compiler cannot find dependency
#162 opened by Sarah-Gallitz - 1
no way to pass compiler options?
#159 opened by bwo - 0
[Bug] Online playground is not working when use `Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher()` as CorotuineDisaptcher
#158 opened by kkkkan - 4
Share code > Embed iframe not working
#103 opened by fernandospr - 3
- 8
[Bug] Online playground is not working
#137 opened by rami3l - 2
Problem with `Ctrl + J` in Chrome + Linux
#124 opened by skuzmich - 1
Changing theme dynamically
#131 opened by MarcinAman - 0
Also allow execution of Groovy in the JS component
#115 opened by Vampire - 5
main.kts support
#109 opened by yschimke - 4
Examples are partially broken
#105 opened by holgerbrandl - 2
No (manual or auto) import?
#81 opened by spyro2000 - 1
How complex could be to compile Java?
#97 opened by jabrena - 2
- 2
Issues with display:none
#91 opened by MarcinAman - 0
Can't get input from user
#86 opened by shoukreytom - 4
feat/PR request: onOutputReady event
#83 opened by DavidScales - 1
Add shortcut to close/hide the console
#71 opened by codeteo - 0
data is detected as keyword when used as named param of a function
#82 opened by JavierSegoviaCordoba - 1
Non-latin characters are broken in the result
#73 opened by CodingDiMo - 10
Embed Kotlin Playground on
#64 opened by jmfayard - 0
Add option to auto-open collapsed block
#67 opened by DenisNP - 10
Wrong indent when `>` is in code
#59 opened by MMauro94 - 1
change mentions of npm in readme to yarn
#56 opened by fgutmann - 1
- 0
Embedded iframe - font size
#57 opened by szakal - 0