
How to use modern snupkg with TeamCity ?

gillg opened this issue · 1 comments

gillg commented


Is it possible to publish .snupkg or .symbols.nupkg nugets to a feed and expose them as symbols ?
I have the feeling that made a custom trick for it, you can publish you PDB on snupkg then the expose them to a kind a dynamic symbols server...
Another project (BaGet seems do the same thing, you publish on a standard nuget API /api/v2/symbol/ and you configure Visual Studio with /api/download/symbols. I don't know the spec of symbols API but probably something extract asked nugets to expose pdbs.

Do you see any way to do the same thing with this plugin ? Do you know an alternate plugin oriented like this ?

gillg commented

This approach would be great, no specific requirements seems needed,

On a csproj you just enable :


Then dotnet pack will create one nuget "yourproject-version.nupkg" with you assembly, and one other "yourproject-version.snupkg" with only your pdb.
On my use case I index them in two differents feeds, but I would map one feed as symbols server.