The plugin provides IntelliJ integration with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
Visual SourceSafe is a file-level version control system. This plugin allows using it from within the product, making even refactoring consequences transparent for the user.
The following features are available:
- Dedicated page under the Version Control node in the Settings/Preferences dialog
- Implementing the most frequently needed commands (Open Source Safe Explorer, Check In/Out, Add, Undo Checkout, Get Latest Version)
- Next, Previous, Rollback, Old text actions are available from the dedicated gutter bar in changed locations.
###To build and run the plugin:
- Clone the project and open in IDEA (tfsintegration.iml should be used)
- Configure IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK called IntelliJ IDEA SDK pointing to the existing IDEA installation using Project Settings
- Run using provided Plugin run configuration
- After applying hte needed changes use Build - Prepare Plugin Module for deployment to generate the jar
- Load the jar using Settings/Preferences - Plugins