
Bits and pieces (mostly LinuxCNC config) describing my router table.

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CNC Router Table

Bits and pieces (mostly LinuxCNC config) describing my router table.


Fan and Z-Brake Relays

There are two Phoenix Contact DIN rail relays, DigiKey part 277-17665-ND. One controls the spindle fan motor, the other disengages the z-axis brake. That one needs a flyback diode.


3D-printed risers do a decent job of holding the forks high enough to allow the dust collector shoe bristles to surround the tool during load and unlooad, when the forks are turnd around to face backward:



Limit Switches

4-pin M12 panel connectors. These damn things are nearly $20 each.

Brown is +24V, black is signal (to 7i76e input), blue is ground. Most of the inputs are tied high through a 10kΩ resistor at the 7i76e input, but the rotary axis limit switch has the resistor at the connector. This is how I should have done them all, but I'm not prepared right now to redo the other ones.


This CNC router uses a Mesa 7i76e card, connected on a second Ethernet interface. On my machine, this requires the second interface to be configured with a static IP address. The following lines are added to /etc/network/interfaces/:

# Second interface directly connected to Mesa card

auto enp5s0
iface enp5s0 inet static


$ sudo ifup enp5s0

(Might need to take it down first, then bring it back up.)


Etekcity Outdoor Smart Plug uses an ESP-01e Wi-Fi controller and a HLW8012 (ESPHome) with shunt resistor to measure power.