pyDpcore, the Python Module for Dpcore
This is the Dpcore Python Module which offers the option to dpcore prepare images, allowing to use Jetraw's compression afterwards. For more info visit
- Windows 10 64 bits or Linux
- Jetraw/Dpcore installed.
Note: if you do not have Jetraw/Dpcore installed visit and for usage information - Camera calibration file.
Installation Windows
First download the WHL file from latest (pre-)release, or browse previous (pre-)releases. Once the WHL file is downloaded in order to install pyJetraw run the following command:
pip install DPCore-x.y.z-py3-none-any.whl
Installation Linux
The WHL file needs to be installed like in the previous section but an extra step is necessary.
You need to add to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable the dpcore and jetraw libraries location so pyDpcore is able to find them:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path_to_jetraw_folder/lib/
It is recommended to add this instruction in your bashrc (/home/user/.bashrc) file, then everytime a bash environment is created everything is set up to use pyDpcore. Remember that if you are using an IDE to run python, you will need to launch it from the Terminal. If not the enviroment will not be correctly configured.
Here are some code snippets of how the module would typically be used.
import dpcore
# Read Input Image (non-prepared)
image = tifffile.imread("input_filename.tif")
# Load calibration file
# Prepare image buffer with dpcore
for page in range(image.shape[0]):
dpcore.prepare_image(image[page], "calibration_identifier")
# Save dpcore prepared image using tiffile
tifffile.imsave(output_filename, data=image.astype(np.uint16))
You will also find an inside the example folder with a calibration file (.dat).
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