Riget Zoo Adventures Booking Website

This website built for RZA includes booking, booking management, lesson article management, lesson article viewing and authentication features.

This is all built on the basis of Python 3.11.4 and Flask 3.0.2.


To install the required packages, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To configure the website, duplicate the config.example.json file and rename it to config.json. Then, fill in the required fields.

    "DEBUG": false

First Time Setup

To setup the database, run the following command:

python website setup


To run the development server for the website, run the following command:

python website run

If you want to run the website in a production mode, you can use something like gunicorn behind a reverse proxy like Nginx to serve the website. This can be done with a command like this:

gunicorn -w 4 -b -k gevent wsgi:app

However if you didn't already know that, you should probably stick to the development server and not run the website in production.
