
A mongodb backup tool for FT Universal Publishing

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This tool can back up or restore MongoDB collections while DB is running to/from AWS S3.

You can deploy a docker container that will run backups on schedule. Or you can just run the container to make a single backup, or restore from a given point of time.

For the schedule option, the state of backups is kept in a boltdb file at /var/data/mongo-hot-backup/state.db or where you set it.

A health endpoint is available at and will report healthy if there was a successful backup for each configured collection in the last X hours, also configurable. Good-to-go /__gtg endpoint available as well, and /__build-info.

An initial backup to be run upon startup can be enabled.

Installation and Building

go get github.com/Financial-Times/mongo-hot-backup
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Financial-Times/methode-article-image-set-mapper
docker build -t coco/mongo-hot-backup .


go test -mod=readonly -race ./...


Creating backups on a schedule


docker run --rm \
  --env "MONGODB=ip-172-24-11-64.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27018,ip-172-24-186-252.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27020,ip-172-24-74-51.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27019" \
  --env "S3_DOMAIN=s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" \
  --env "S3_BUCKET=com.ft.upp.mongo-backup" \
  --env "S3_DIR=upp-staging-delivery-eu" \
  --env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=123" \
  --env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=456" \
  --env "CRON=0 0 * * *" \
  --env "RUN=false" \
  --env "HEALTH_HOURS=26" \
  --env "MONGODB_COLLECTIONS="upp-store/lists,upp-store/list-notifications"
  nexus.in.ft.com:5000/coco/mongo-hot-backup:2.0.0 scheduled-backup

The help docker run --rm coco/mongo-hot-backup scheduled-backup --help could supply you a bit more information about how arguments should be received.

Creating a single backup

docker run --rm \
  --env "MONGODB=ip-172-24-11-64.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27018,ip-172-24-186-252.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27020,ip-172-24-74-51.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27019" \
  --env "S3_DOMAIN=s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" \
  --env "S3_BUCKET=com.ft.upp.mongo-backup" \
  --env "S3_DIR=upp-staging-delivery-eu" \
  --env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=123" \
  --env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=456" \
  --env "MONGODB_COLLECTIONS="upp-store/lists,upp-store/list-notifications"
  nexus.in.ft.com:5000/coco/mongo-hot-backup:2.0.0 backup

You can also try docker run --rm coco/mongo-hot-backup backup --help


docker run --rm \
  --env "MONGODB=ip-172-24-11-64.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27018,ip-172-24-186-252.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27020,ip-172-24-74-51.eu-west-1.compute.internal:27019" \
  --env "S3_DOMAIN=s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" \
  --env "S3_BUCKET=com.ft.upp.mongo-backup" \
  --env "S3_DIR=upp-staging-delivery-eu" \
  --env "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=123" \
  --env "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=456" \
  --env "RATE_LIMIT=1250" \
  --env "BATCH_LIMIT=8000000" \
  --env "MONGODB_COLLECTIONS="upp-store/lists,upp-store/list-notifications"
  nexus.in.ft.com:5000/coco/mongo-hot-backup:2.0.0 restore --date="2017-11-23T14-53-20"

You can also try docker run --rm coco/mongo-hot-backup restore --help
