
EX2 OOP - Directed Weighted Graph Implementation + Pokemon Game - Ariel University 2020

Primary LanguageHTML

Nathanael Benichou & Jordan Perez

Tz : 342769130 & 336165733

Parti 1)

Ex2 Contains 5 Implementations :

1)NodeData : Implementation of node_data.

2)EdgeData : Implementation of edge_data.

3)Geolocation : Implementation de geo_location.

2)DWGraph_Ds : Implementation of directed_weighted_graph.

3)DWGraph_Algo : Implementation of directed_weighted_graph_algorithms


Constructor :

-Key :Int (Type) _Tag :Int (Type) _Information :String (Type) _Weight :Double (Type) _Collection :HashMap (Type)

NodeData is an implementation class of node_data interface which contains :

_getKey Complexity O(1) _getLocation C O(1) _getWeight C O(1) _getInfo C O(1) _getTag C O(1) _setInfo C O(1) _setWeight C O(1) _setLocation C 0(1) _setTag C O(1)

Methods not Overriden:



_jsonNode (Class to Serialize and Deserialize)

We are going to explains each method of NodeData :

_getKey : Return the key of the asked NodeData.

_getWeight : Return the Weight of this NodeData.

_getInfo : Return the info of my NodeData.

_setInfo : To set the info of my NodeData.

_getTag : Return the tag of my NodeData.

_setTag : To set the Tag of my NodeData.

_ToString : To print my NodeData.

_getLocation : Returns the location of this NodeData.



import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects;

Constructor :

-Src :Int (Type) -Dest :Int (Type) _Tag :Int (Type) _Information :String (Type) _w :Double (Type)

EdgeData is an implementation class of edge_data interface which contains :

_getSrc Complexity O(1) _getDest C O(1) _getWeight C O(1) _getInfo C O(1) _getTag C O(1) _setInfo C O(1) _setWeight C O(1) _setTag C O(1)

Methods not Overriden:




_JsonEdge (Class to Serialize and Deserialize)

We are going to explain each method of EdgesData :

_getSrc : Return the Source of the asked EdgeData.

_getWeight : Return the Weight of this EdgeData.

_getInfo : Return the info of my EdgeData.

_setInfo : To set the info of my EdgeData.

_getTag : Return the tag of my EdgeData.

_setTag : To set the Tag of my EdgesData.

_ToString : To print my EdgeData.

_getLocation : Returns the location of this EdgeData.


Constructor :

-x :Int (Type) -y :Int (Type) _z :Int (Type) _distance :String (Type)

GeoLocation is an implementation class of geo_location interface which contains :

_x Complexity O(1) _y C O(1) _z C O(1) _distance C O(1) _toString C O(1) _Hashcode C O(1) _setTag C O(1)

Methods not Overriden:

_setDistance C O(1)

We are going to explain each method of GeoLocation :

_x : Return the x of the asked NodeData.

_y : Return the y of this NodeData.

_z : Return the z of my NodeData.

_distance : Return the distance of my NodeData.

_toString : Print Location.

_setTag : Change the tag of my Location



java.io.Serializable; java.util.Collection; java.util.HashMap; java.util.Objects;

Constructor :

_Collection (Nodes) : HashMap (Type) _Collection (Edges) : HashMap (Type) _mc : In order to know the number of changes i operated in my graph. _edges : In order to know how many edges i have in my graph.

In the Copy Constructor I copy all the edges and all the neighbours I will call the Copy Constructor in the method "Copy" of DWGraph_Algo

WGraph_DS is an implementation class of graph interface which contains :

_equals Complexity O(1) _hashCode C O(1) _getNode C O(1) _hasEdge C O(1) _getEdge C O(1) _addNode C O(1) _connect C O(1) _getV C O(1) _getV(Id) C O(1) _removeNode C O(1) _removeEdge C O(1) _nodeSize C O(1) _edgeSize C O(1) _getMC C O(1)

We are going to explain each method of DWGraph_DS :

_equals : In order to check equality between two nodes

_getNode : In order to get a node from his Key

_hasEdge : In order to checks if there is an edge between 2 nodes (Using hasNi from NodeInfo)

_getEdge : In order to get an edge between two nodes.

_addNode : In order to add a new node in my graph.(Checks if the node already exist & Increment the new change)

_connect : In order to connect two nodes (Checks for the Node 1/(2): Existe /Is null /Have already Node 2/(1) has Neighbor)

_getV : In order to get all the values of my Hash-map.

_getV (int) : In order to get all the Neighbors of a Node with is ID (Using).

_removeNode : In order to remove a Node of my graph (Checks if the node is contain in my graph).
: For each neighbors of the node removed we remove the node of the Neighbor list. (Using removeEdge) : Also Decrement the Integer edges for all edges i removed

_removeEdge : In order to remove the connection between two Node. : Checks if the Collection Actually exist. : Remove Node1 of the list of neighbor of Node2 and the same from Node2 to Node1. : Decrement the edge i removed. : Increment the change.

_nodeSize : In order to know how many Node in the graph Return the size of my Collection.

_edgeSize : In order to know how many connections there is in my graph (Return all the edges i incremented).

_getMC : In order to know how many changes i did in my graph (Just return the counter i incremented after all changes).

  1. DWGraph_Algo:


java.io.File; java.io.FileInputStream; java.io.FileOutputStream; java.io.IOException; java.io.ObjectInputStream; java.io.ObjectOutputStream; java.io.Serializable;

Constructor :


_Collection : HashSet (Type)

_Collection : HashMap (Type)

WGraph_Algo is an implementation class of dw_graph_algorithms interface which contains :

_compare Complexity ---- _init C ---- _getGraph C ---- _copy C ---- _isConnected C ---- _shortestPath C ---- _shortestPathDist C ---- _save C ---- _load C ----

Methods not Overriden :

_chek_Visit _InitTag _Dijkstra _Dijkstra_graphNi

We are going to explain each method of DWGraph_Algo :

_init : In order to Init the graph on which this set of algorithms operates on.

_copy : Creat a Deep copy of my graph , each Node and each neighbor of them : Using the copy constructor of WGraphDS : The copy constructor of WGraphDs copy all nodes one by one the pointer in the memory will not be the same that the nodes copied : The copy constructor of WGraphDs copy all edges one by one the pointer in the memory will not be the same that the edge copied

_isConnected : Checks if the Graph is connected => If Each Node can be reach from any Node of My graph : Checking all the path possible using The BFS Algorithm : BFS Use Check_Visit In order to verify if all the node of my graph was Visited : Using the Tag of Each Node if there is a Node with a Tag (0) So the node wasn't visited and the graph is not : connnected

_shortestPath : In order to know the shortest Path between two Node (Using Dijkstra)

_Dijkstra : Declaration of a priority Queue (Using the Comparator) : First Initialise all the Tag to Infinity using InitTag : Clear the visited list : Add source node to my PQueue : initialise distance from node to itself to 0 : Set Info of node to source : While the PQueue is not empty : Node u take the value of The node i removed from PQueue : Add u node to Visited List : Calling Dijkstra_graphNi giving Node u , Pqueue , Graph

_InitTag : Initialize all tag to infinite

_Dijkstra_graphNi : Pass to all neighbor of u : Take Value of the current node : If the current node is not 'visited' : Compare Distance and initialize Comparing Distance : Adding the current node into the visited List

_shortestPathDist : Return the List of The Shortest path (Calling Dijkstra) : Using String (Split) To get all the value of my Shortest Path

-save : To Serialize the object (Turn to octet the object)

_load : To Copy My object Graph (Serialized) into a chosen File

Parti 2)

The Goal of this part is to Run the Ex2 contain in the util of gameClient and for each scenario using the algorithm we implemented in the part 1


Ex2 : Calling LoginFrame if no argument are received.If ex2 Received args DijkstraAlgo is called.

Graphics :

_DijkstraAlgo : Use ShortPathDist in order to calculate a ratio ,in the method wichBest each Pokemon are attribute to an Agent; : Run the Game Using gameclient.start

LoginFrame : Revived two parameter ID and Scenario if the button Start Game are Pressed the game start calling DijkstraAlgo

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