
This is a batch command I wrote to auto start my Virtual Audio Cable. I use it to autostart 2 instances of audiorepeater.exe for use with gaming and recording

Primary LanguageBatchfile


This is a batch command I wrote to auto start my Virtual Audio Cable. I use it to autostart 2 instances of audiorepeater.exe for use with gaming and recording

To use, just drop the two files wherever you want. Just update the location of it in the batch files, where it says "C:\etc etc" just make sure your directory and location is there.

What I did was add this to my startup folder so when I boot my pc, it runs automatically.

Windows start up location is typically C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp, otherwise just use google

You can download Virtual Audio Cable and set it up with this video

Thank you to the VAC guys, and thanks to Jack Frags for turning me onto it and setting it up!