
r/place clone that requires programmers to code their way into placing pixels. SIDENOTE: if site not working then give it a day or two.

Primary LanguageGo



Websocket Subdirectories

Frame 2

HTTP Methods

Frame 3 (1)


  "frames": false,
  "sitefiles": "static/index.html",
  "useplacemap": false



  • Download Go Lang (1.19 preferred)

  • Git Clone ffmpeg (optional for timelapse)


  1. Download Go Lang (1.19 preferred)

  2. Git clone this github repo

  3. From there use Git Bash and direct to your directory.

    -> use go build to build the GO code to your device's OS and CPU Archectecture

    -> for different operating systems / CPU archiecture then look at Go's Cross Compiling System

  4. Place the code into your server. Run it once and the settings.json file will be created.

  5. You just need one png image (default). Put down a canvas.png and the code will use it as the main canvas.

SIDENOTE, if you are using a "placing map" then make a Black-and-White Pixel Only Canvas call it "placeable.png."

  White Pixel = User cannot place. Black Pixel = User Can Place

ex. (left is "canvas.png" and right is "placeable.png")

canvas placeable

  1. Have fun.

Timelapse System


Still in development, use ffmpeg. Command use:

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i 'timelapse/frame%d.png' -r 120 -vcodec libx264 timelapse.mp4