Connects to deConz software developed by dresden-elektronik. This software aims to be a universal ZigBee Gateway solution, using hardware from dresden-elektronik the ConBee USB stick and RaspBee a modul for the Raspberry Pi.
- alehofde
- AntiHeld889Germany
- Blieders
- c2po
- ChrisPrefect
- cooper2k4Münster, Germany
- exmetzgerTroisdorf
- fotter
- funky4t
- GermanBluefoxioBroker GmbH
- HabKeinPlanHannover, Germany
- ignat1978
- jbeust
- jbkumaNew York City
- JolostarInfomatix Ky
- Keiko72
- kugelkopf123
- LovelySunshineioBroker GmbH
- lpodszuweitMunich, Germany
- manup
- MC-1984
- Michaelnorge
- OberstVonGatowWürzburg, Germany
- peer69
- pep4n
- peterhadornSwitzerland
- PittiniLangenzenn, Germany
- pstenWeidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG
- santa81
- Seraphis411
- Sico93Deutsche Telekom AG
- sunshinesasiweb
- tomg1970Germany
- unicast92
- vantastic68
- yoobeedoobeeGermany