
A small webgl FPS Game proto I started playing around with

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This was a small side-project I did a bit of work on, basically combining different examples and hacks to build a basic First Person Shooter (FPS) game in webgl, in its current state the collision needs a rewrite.

Feel free to strip what you want from it or improve upon it. I was hoping to make it a simple multiplayer game with a single weapon, and may still if I get time.


  • Checkout this repo
  • Install NodeJS
  • Run trunk\build_install.bat - this will install required web-server modules
  • Run trunk\build_watch.bat - This will run a web server
  • Browse to "http://localhost:8080/index.htm" in google chrome


  • [W] [S] [D] [A] for movement,
  • [space] for jetpack (hold down for more effect)
  • [MouseX] / [MouseY] for look


  • Basic build process using grunt
  • Basic 3d Camera
  • Basic keyboard & mouse input
  • 3d Model import
  • Basic collision


  • Current implementation does not handel moving along a flat surface, collision is calculated for all directions and prevented in all directions if there is a collision, this needs to be fixed!


  • Improve / Fix collisions
  • Need to implement a weapon of some sort, and projectile collision.