
Singular matrix during inversion

xuesongwang opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,
Thank you for this amazing project. I was using this ADHD200 dataset to remove site effects. I computed Pearson coefficients for AAL functional connectivities as inputs and some sites have provided biological features such as gender, handedness and IQs. However, when calling the neuroCombat , I got the following error on this function get_beta_with_nan:
LinAlgError:Singular matrix

def get_beta_with_nan(yy, mod):
wh = np.isfinite(yy)
mod = mod[wh,:]
yy = yy[wh]
B = np.dot(np.dot(la.inv(np.dot(mod.T, mod)), mod.T), yy.T)
return B
betas = []
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
betas.append(get_beta_with_nan(X[i,:], design))
B_hat = np.vstack(betas).T

I am no experts in maths, but according to this solution, it can be attributed to the same rows in the matrix so the inversion does not exist. I didn't fully understand this part of the code, but I guess I can have some patients who have the same biological features and that caused the issue? (assumption though). After I changed la.inv into la.pinv everything works fine now. I was wondering if you could have better insights towards this and whether modification is solid.

Thanks for the help :)

Hi @xuesongwang,

LinAlgError:Singular matrix usually means that some of the biological features are redundant (perfectly confounded) or highly correlated. Is this the case?

Closing this as no answer from user.

Sorry for the late but you are are right @Jfortin1 , I have one column called IQ measure and that can probably be inferred from three other columns. That might have result in zero determinant matrix or redundant columns (hence non-invertible). many thanks