###By Peter Moseley (plm17), Patrick Wickham (ptw9), John Gilhuly (jrg37), Jangsoon Park
Date Started: 1/25/15
Date Finished: 2/8/15
Hours Spent: 160 (40ish per person)
Peter: Parser, configuration, XML Files, Exceptions
John: GUI, visualization, Grid, findNeighbors
Patrick: Simulations, Rules, hierarchy
Jangsoon: Cell, State
Main Class: src/cellsociety_team01/Main.java
Test Suit: XMLFiles/*.xml
Resources: src/cellsociety_team01/resources
Run Program from main. Choose simulation type with File->Load XML and selecting a .xml file from the XMLFiles folder. Run the simulation with Play or step with Step. Pause will stop the simulation, and Reset will re-initialize the grid. The slider will change how fast the program runs.
Options for changing parameters in the XML Files for testing are as follows:
type: AntForaging, GameOfLife, PredatorPrey, Segregation, SlimeMolds, SpreadingOfFire, Sugarscape
grid_shape: Square, Triangle
grid_edge: Finite, Toroidal
grid_outline: Yes, No
cell_placement: Location, Percent, Random
sim_color_scheme: Default, Water, Space
sim_simulation specific config variable: any int/double
grid width: any int
grid height: any int
team options in grid: empty, full, teamA, teamB, teamC
xVals/yVals: space separated ints as locations in the grid
population_percent: double between 0.0 and 1.0
We had the Segregation Simulation up and running, but when we tested it after merging to master, it was throwing a BadStateException for an unknown reason. We couldn't figure it out after 20 minutes of searching, so we assume something went wrong in the merging process but aren't sure what. It should be working though....
We spent about 2-3 alone working out strictly gitHub related issues which slowed down our actual design and coding process quite a bit.