
The currently premier map editor for World of Warcraft in version 3.3.5a.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This software is open source software licensed under GPL3, as found in the COPYING file.


You can follow Noggit's development and get the latest build here: https://discord.gg/UbdFHyM


Noggit can be scripted using the Lua (5.1) programming language. See the scripting documentation.


This project requires CMake to be built. It also requires the following libraries:

  • OpenGL
  • Boost
  • Qt 5

Further following libraries are required for MySQL GUID Storage builds:

  • LibMySQL
  • MySQLCPPConn

The following libraries are automatically installed:

  • StormLib (by Ladislav Zezula)
  • FastNoise2 (scripting only)
  • sol2 (scripting only)
  • lodepng (scripting only)
  • nlohmann/json (scripting only)


Text in <brackets> below are up to your choice but shall be replaced with the same choice every time the same text is contained.


Any recent version of Microsoft Visual C++ should work. Be sure to remember which version you chose as later on you will have to pick corresponding versions for other dependencies.


Any recent CMake version >= 3.18 should work. Just take the latest.


Install boost to <boost-install>. The easiest is to download a pre-built package from https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/.

  • Any version from the last years should work, 1.71 is the minumum required version.
  • Be sure to pick the right compiler version!
  • CMake may not support the latest version yet, if you have bad timing, try picking the second newest if configuring fails.


Install Qt5 to <Qt-install>

The recommended Qt version for noggit is 5.9, which can be downloaded from https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/5.9/5.9.9/qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.9.9.exe.

If you want to try a newer version, you can download the online installer from https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/#section-2.

Note that during installation you only need one version of Qt and also only one compiler version. If download size is noticably large (more than a few hundred MB), you're probably downloading way too much.


(Not necessary if disabling NOGGIT_WITH_SCRIPTING)

  • Clone luajit to <Lua-install> using git: git clone https://luajit.org/git/luajit.git
  • Open up the visual studio command prompt (cmd / powershell does NOT work)
    • The program is usually called something like "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 20xx"
    • Usually enough to search for "x64 native" in the windows start menu
    • It will open a command prompt that looks like the normal windows command prompt, but has a bunch of necessary visual studio variables set.
  • Navigate to the <Lua-install>/src (with the visual studio command prompt)
  • Run "msvcbuild.bat" (with the visual studio command prompt)
  • If successful, should give a message similar to === Successfully built LuaJIT for Windows/x64 ===


  • open CMake GUI
  • set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (path) to "<Qt-install>", e.g. "C:/Qt/5.6/msvc2015"
  • set BOOST_ROOT (path) to <boost-install>, e.g. "C:/local/boost_1_71_0"
  • (unlikely to be required:) move the libraries of Boost from where they are into BOOST_ROOT/lib so that CMake finds them automatically or set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to where your lib are (.dll and .lib). Again, this is highly unlikely to be required.
  • set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (path) to an empty destination, e.g. "C:/Users/blurb/Documents/noggitinstall
  • set LUA_INCLUDE_DIR to <Lua-install>/src
  • set LUA_LIBRARY to <Lua-install>/src/lua51.lib
  • configure, generate
  • open solution with visual studio
  • build ALL_BUILD
  • build INSTALL

To launch noggit you will need the following DLLs from Qt loadable. Install them in the system, or copy them from C:/Qt/X.X/msvcXXXX/bin into the directory containing noggit.exe, i.e. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX configured.

  • release: Qt5Core, Qt5OpenGL, Qt5Widgets, Qt5Gui

  • debug: Qt5Cored, Qt5OpenGLd, Qt5Widgetsd, Qt5Guid

  • If using scripting, you will also need to copy <Lua-install>/src/lua51.dll to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX


These instructions assume a working directory <Linux-Build>, for example /home/myuser/


On Ubuntu you can install the building requirements using:

sudo apt install freeglut3-dev libboost-all-dev qt5-default libsdl2-dev libbz2-dev


From <Linux-Build>, build luajit using:

git clone https://luajit.org/git/luajit.git
cd luajit
sudo make install
cd ..

<Linux-Build>/luajit should now exist.

Build Noggit

From <Linux-Build>, clone Noggit3 (change repo as needed):

git clone https://github.com/wowdev/noggit3

<Linux-Build>/noggit3 should now exist.

From <Linux-Build>, compile and build using the following commands. Note that <Linux-Build> should be written as the full path in the commands below. For example: cmake -DLUA_LIBRARIES=/home/myuser/luajit/src/libluajit.so -DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/myuser/luajit/src ../noggit3

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DLUA_LIBRARIES=<Linux-Build>/luajit/src/libluajit.so -DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=<Linux-Build>/luajit/src ../noggit3
make -j $(nproc)

Instead of make -j $(nproc) you may want to pick a bigger number than $(nproc), e.g. the number of CPU cores * 1.5.

From <Linux-Build>/build, if the build pass correctly without errors, you can install the default lua scripts using:

cp -r ../noggit3/scripts ./bin/scripts

You can now go into <Linux-Build>/build/bin and run noggit.

Note that make install will probably not work.

Building the Scripting documentation

To generate the scripting API documentation, install any new version of Node.js and run:

npm i -g typedoc@0.20.28 typedoc-plugin-markdown@3.5.0 typescript@4.0

Then, enter the "scripting" directory in this repository and run the following commands:

typedoc --disableSources --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --hideBreadcrumbs --out docs/api global.d.ts
rm docs/api/README.md


Feel free to ask the owner of the official repository (https://github.com/wowdev/noggit3) for write access or fork and post a pull request.

There is a bug tracker at https://github.com/wowdev/noggit3/issues which should be used.

Discord, as linked above, may be used for communication.


Following is an example for file src/noggit/ui/foo_ban.hpp. .cpp files are similar.

// This file is part of Noggit3, licensed under GNU General Public License (version 3).
//! \note Include guard shall be using #pragma once
#pragma once
//! \note Use fully qualified paths rather than "../relative". Order
//! includes with own first, then external dependencies, then c++ STL.
#include <noggit/bar.hpp>
//! \note Namespaces equal directories. (java style packages.)
namespace noggit
  namespace ui
    //! \note Lower case, underscore separated.
    class foo_ban : public QWidget
      //! \note Long parameter list. Would be more than 80 chars.
      //! chars. Break with comma in front. Use spaces to be
      //! aligned below the braces.
      foo_ban ( type name
              , type_2 const& name_2
              , type const& name3
        : QWidget (nullptr)
      //! \note Prefer initialization lists over assignment.
        , _var (std::move (name))

      //! \note Use const where possible. No space between name and
      //! braces when no arguments are given.
      void render() const;
      //! \note If you really need getters and setters, your design
      //! might be broken. Please avoid them or consider just a
      //! public data member, or use proper methods with semantics.
      type const& var() const
        return _var;
      void var (type var_)
        _var = std::move (var_);
      //! \note Prefer const where possible. If you need to copy, 
      //! just take a `T`. Otherwise prefer taking a `T const&`.
      //! Don't bother when it comes to tiny types.
      baz_type count_some_numbers ( std::size_t begin
                                   , std::size_t end
                                   ) const
        bazs_type bazs;
        //! \note Prefer construction over assignment. Prefer
        //! preincrement.
        for (size_t it (begin); it != end; ++it)
          bazs.emplace_back (it);
        //! \note Prefer STL algorithms over hand written code.
        assert (!bazs.empty());
        auto const smallest
          (std::min_element (bazs.begin(), bazs.end()));
        return *smallest;

      //! \note Member variables are prefixed with an underscore.
      type _var;
      //! \note Typedef when using complex types. Fully qualify
      //! types.
      using baz_type = type_2;
      using bazs_type = std::vector<baz_type>;
      bazs_type _bazs;