
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Senior Enrichment Project Replay

Make a thing again!

Getting started

  1. Fork and clone this repo
  2. Set the name of your project in package.json. The skeleton intentionally ships with an invalid name.
  3. npm install
  4. Start the build and the application processes with: npm run start:dev
  5. If you navigate to the URL you should see some UI already :) [We already have some connection code to get you started]


The Premise

Design a website for aircraft fanatics 🤓 and create a RESTful API that allows you to manage these aircrafts!

The tools

Use at least Sequelize, Express, React, Redux, and React-Redux when creating this app. You can incorporate any additional libraries or tools you wish.

DB Design


  • have profile info including:
    • make - not empty or null (e.g. Lockheed Martin - for more makers)
    • model - not empty or null (ex. Lockheed models)
    • year - after 1903 👵
    • type - can be either Attack, Bomber, Versatile, Transport, Reconoissance or Rescue
    • cost - decimal stored in millions (i.e. $1 million would be 1 in the database)
    • imageUrl - has default value
    • description - extremely large text
  • must track the aircraft it succeeds via a reference called 'succeeded'
  • must be assigned to a country
  • must have a method getAircraftByType, that gets aircrafts by inputted type
  • must have a method to change the cost of 1 to $1,000,000 when retrieving records


  • have profile info including:
    • name - not empty or null
    • GFI - decimal between 0 - 10 (global firepower index)
    • flagUrl - has a default value
  • can have many aircrafts assigned (may have none)
  • must have a method getTopFive which finds the top 5 strongest nations sorted by GFI (0 is the strongest, 10 is the weakest)

Views and Functionality

  • Navigation: as a user I...

    • will land on Home by default
    • can navigate to Countries from Home
    • can navigate to Aircrafts from Home
    • can navigate to view a top 5 Single Country from Home (see Views below for more details)
    • can navigate to view a Single Country from Countries
    • can navigate to view a Single Aircraft from Aircrafts
    • can navigate to view a Single Aircraft from Single Country (for any aircraft that the country owns)
    • can navigate to view an aircrafts' Single Country from Single Aircraft
  • Views: as a user I...

    • see a navbar in every view
    • see a scoreboard of the top 5 countries, in order, measured by GFI (Global Firepower Index - 0 is strongest(top), 10 is the weakest(bottom)) on the Home view
    • see a list of all countries on the Countries view
    • see a list of all aircrafts on the Aircrafts view
    • see details about a country on the Single Country view, including that country's aircrafts
    • see details about an aircraft on the Single Aircraft view, including that aircrafts' country
  • Actions: as a user I...

    • can create a country
    • can edit a country's info, including adding/removing an aircraft to/from that country
    • can delete a country
    • can create an aircraft
    • can edit an aircraft's info, including the country that owns the aircraft
    • can delete an aircraft


- all countries
  - populated with aircrafts
- a country by id
  - populated with aircrafts
  - excluding the description of the aircraft
- top 5 countries
  - by GFI (0 is strongest (top), 10 is weakest (bottom))
  - sorted strongest to weakest
- all aircrafts
  - populated with the name of the country that owns each aircraft
  - excluding the descriptions
- an aircraft by id
  - populated with only the name of the country that owns the aircraft
- new country
- new aircraft
- update country info for one country
- update aircraft info for one aircraft
- a country
  - deletes all aircrafts associated with the country
- an aircraft

How to test functionality without a frontend

  • GET: use your browser
  • CLI (command line interface) with curl
    • e.g. curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"kate","password":"1234"}' http://localhost:3000/api/login
    • -H: headers. -X: verb. -d: data (must be of the type specified in headers). http://[address]:[port]/[route_path]
  • Postman
  • Databases: use Sequelize in your routes and see if you are receiving what you expect

Video Walkthrough

Please submit a 3-minute screencast of a walk-through of the functionality and code (focus mostly on code) for each user story in your app. E.g. for "As a user, I can create a campus", please show us that you can successfully create a campus in your app, and also the actual code that is involved in doing that (from the front-end components to the backend routes and models). We recommend using Quicktime to record the screencast (instructions on how to do that here).

Once you've recorded your screencast, please upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video. Email academics@fullstackacademy.com with the title Senior Enrichment Submission: [Your Name] and include your repo link and YouTube recording link. This will aid us in evaluating your submission.



  • Code modularity/readability (25%)
  • Models (25%)
  • Routes (25%)
  • Frontend logic and functionality (25%)
  • Design + Bonus features (up to 10 Extra Credit points)