
Components about animations and Effects for your website. ✨

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Popply Library

Popply Library

Welcome and thank you for using my tooltips library! I've created this library to help you add more interactivity to your web pages. I've included a collection of animations and effects for your tooltips components.

Tech Stack

  • React: For building the dynamic user interface.
  • Next.js: For server-side rendering and optimized performance.
  • Sonner: A library for toast notifications.
  • CSS: For defining and applying animations.
  • Framer Motion: For smooth and advanced UI animations.
  • Tailwind CSS: For utility-first styling and responsive design.


Popply Library

Popply is a versatile library that offers a variety of effects and animations not only for tooltips but for any component in your project that needs an extra touch of animation. With over 50 unique animations to choose from, Popply helps you enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of your components. Enjoy exploring and using these animations, and thank you for reading, wonderful person!

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