description: >-

This specification outlines all of the CLI commands to perform any function in Pocket Core. There's no

protocol verification for these commands because they map closely to protocol functions.


Accessing Command List in Terminal

To quickly remind yourself of a command while in the terminal, simply enter pocket help or pocket <namespace> help

to generate a list of all of the available commands and their associated flags.

CLI Overview


The CLI contains multiple namespaces listed below:

  • default: called when the namespace is blank

  • accounts: calls pertinent to accounts and their local storage

  • apps: functions for app upkeep

  • nodes: functions for node upkeep

  • ****query: queries to the world state

  • util: useful operations

  • gov: functions for governance (DAO) transactions, only relevant to the DAOowner (the account

    that has the permission to perform these transactions on behalf of the DAO)

CLI Functions Format

Each CLI function is constructed in the following format:

  • Binary Name: The name of the binary for Pocket Core, for example: pocket

  • Global Options: any number of global options, for example: pocket --datadir /tmp/.pocket

  • Namespace: The namespace of the function, or blank for the default namespace: accounts

  • Function Name: The name of the actual function to be called: create

  • Function Options: Options that modify behaviour of the function pocket query nodes --staking_status unstaking

  • Arguments/Flags (Optional): Space separated function arguments,

    e.g.: pocket query nodes --staking_status unstaking <height>