- 1
Editor unresponsive with delete key
#1523 opened by Sude143 - 0
Font Size 10 pt is recognized in source code but displayed as 9pt in the toolbar
#1522 opened by last-resort - 3
How I can prevent HTML encoding on script content?
#1516 opened by shahroz-ansari - 0
- 2
- 0
Horizontal line and table can't be added to long content with <br/> and <p> tags
#1520 opened by BloodLine888 - 7
The new lines are cleared out after pressing "enter"
#1505 opened by BloodLine888 - 0
- 0
Carriage return HTML customized
#1517 opened by Wintxer - 7
attributesWhitelist does not work since version 2.45.1
#1485 opened by abvas - 0
copy & paste issue
#1514 opened by Reloaded2 - 2
Cannot insert inline Images
#1483 opened by mondjunge - 2
텍스트 에디터 스타일 오류
#1513 opened by sso-hyun - 1
imageUploadHandler never called
#1510 opened by simar88 - 1
- 1
How to clear custom formatting from selected text?
#1506 opened by redfellow - 1
Very happy to find this!
#1497 opened by arievanden - 1
Typescript build error with Version 2.47.2
#1503 opened by Reloaded2 - 0
img 태그를 넣으면 앞뒤 문장들이 <p> 태그로 감싸집니다.
#1501 opened by porporpor020202 - 1
- 0
Expected RegExp but passed boolean parameter in convertContentsForEditor function
#1498 opened by adamsarek - 0
- 1
Missing spaces around <code> after copy & paste
#1481 opened by adamsarek - 0
balloon mode에서 ctrl + a 했을때 툴팁 위치 조정 문의
#1491 opened by sso-hyun - 1
Cannot leave link area
#1464 opened by adamsarek - 1
Extra line added while splitting two paragraphs
#1466 opened by adamsarek - 0
Official react component for v-3
#1496 opened by roker16 - 0
Do you have any plans in the future to create a Doc file conversion feature in the editor?
#1493 opened by yyyyffqqqq - 1
Delayed cursor position change after pressing [CTRL+A] followed by [DELETE]
#1467 opened by adamsarek - 1
- 0
Cursor jumps to start of editor after pressing [DELETE] in last empty paragraph
#1469 opened by adamsarek - 0
Incorrect isMobile detection in src/lib/util.js
#1477 opened by adamsarek - 0
List creation behaves strange in Firefox
#1478 opened by mondjunge - 0
- 0
Quickly pressing [ENTER] followed by [DELETE] causes creation of new element .se-wrapper-wysiwyg
#1474 opened by adamsarek - 0
Pressing [ENTER] followed by [BACKSPACE] cause adding nested paragraphs inside current paragraph
#1473 opened by adamsarek - 0
Pressing [Up / Down] followed by [ENTER] cause adding nested paragraphs inside current paragraph
#1472 opened by adamsarek - 0
New paragraph added after current paragraph after removing soft break and pressing [ENTER]
#1471 opened by adamsarek - 0
Missing TypeScript Definition for `strictMode` Option
#1480 opened by Staninna - 0
- 0
Change attributes to align image
#1490 opened by jml-french - 0
List of projects using suneditor
#1489 opened by gxara - 0
Tabs inserted after cursor position
#1468 opened by adamsarek - 0
New paragraph added after current paragraph after pressing [ENTER] on line end
#1465 opened by adamsarek - 0
- 0
Can I have controller for custom html element (to get context buttons update and delete)?
#1488 opened by cimenta - 1
단축키 사용하여 textarea에 포커싱하는 방법 문의드립니다!
#1482 opened by sso-hyun - 1
Cursor moving to next cell when focused in Table
#1487 opened by akshayvnayak - 1
- 0
Setting dropdown options as regular toolbar buttons
#1475 opened by adamsarek