DSA4263 Voice of Customers Project (Group DSApes)

This repository contains our solution on analysing the Voice of Customer (VOC) for the module DSA4263: Sense-making Case Analysis: Business and Commerce in NUS.

Project description

Given a dataset containing the customer's feedback, we were tasked with finding:

  1. Sentiment analysis (Is the feedback positive or negative)
  2. Topic modelling (What topic is the feedback on) Afterwards, using our trained machine learning model, we visualise the change in trends sentiment for the topics.

About the Repository

The repository contains 2 main subfolders, sentiment analysis and topic modelling. And within both folders, there is a BERT and non-BERT related model solution. The main page contains files related to our preprocessing, docker and flask solutions.


Use the package manager pip to install the requirements

pip install -r requirments.txt

User Guide

With the root directory as the working directory:

docker build -t <image_name> . 
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 <image_name>

The website can be accessed by localhost:5000.


Chan Zhen Hao, Benny

Choong Meng Zhun

Goh Jia Jun

Lim Zi Hong

Liu Ting Yen