
Full name: Goh Jia Jun email:

Overview of submitted folders

├── src/
│   ├── logs/
│   ├── models/
│   └── plots/
├── eda.ipynb 
├── model_config.yml
├── requirements.txt

In the folder structure,

  • logs/ represents the loggings of each model during training and evaluation
  • model/ represents the model weights for the models chosen
  • plot/ represents the Precision-Recall and ROC plot to evaluate each model's performance
  • eda.ipynb contains the EDA for Task 1
  • model_config.yml contains model parameters, folder paths and other necessary parameters
  • contains the abstract class for the models
  • contains the FishingModel class for training in Task 2 and its driver class
  • contains preprocessing steps for feature processing
  • contains common utility functions for processing, training and evaluation
  • requirements.txt contains the dependencies
  • contains the executable for the MLP pipeline


To run the whole pipeline execute the following

  1. chmod +x
  2. ./ <model_number> <cv>
  • model_1 is RandomForest
  • model_2 is XGBoost
  • model_3 is K-Nearest Neigbours
  • cv is the number of cross-fold validation for grid search(default is 5)

To modify parameters, we refer to the model_config.yml. An example is shown in model_1 below

  model_name: 'RandomForest'
  model_save_loc: models/rf_model.sav
  is_train: True
  save_model: True
  output_path: rf_prediction.csv
  log_path: logs/
  plot_path: plots/
  rf_n_est: [800, 1001, 100]
  rf_max_d: [6, 9, 1]
  threshold: 0.5

In this block of YAML code, we can change the parameters of RandomForest which are rf_n_est(representing number of estimators), rf_max_d(representing the max depth of the tress in the model) and threshold presenting the float where the model will consider it as a positive class "RainTomorrow"

Logical steps/flow of the pipeline


Overview of key findings from the EDA conducted in Task 1

  • Choices done in pipeline

Missing data

  1. "None" value is renamed to "Unknown" in column "RainToday"

Numerical columns

  • Invalid data
  1. Column "Sunshine" has negative values all are mutiplied by -1 assuming human error
  2. Removed value = 0 in column "Evaporation" has values containing 0
  • Skewness

  • Rainfall, WindGustSpeed, WindSpeed9am is Highly Skewed

  • Evaporation, Sunshine is Moderately Skewed 1. I have used log(1+x) for the columns of 'WindGustSpeed', 'WindSpeed9am', 'Evaporation', 'WindSpeed3pm','Sunshine'as they were either Highly Skewed or Moderately Skewed.

  • Kurtosis

  • "Rainfall", "WindSpeed9am" has Heavy Tails

  • "Evaporation", "Sunshine", "WindGustSpeed", "WindSpeed3pm", "Humidity9am", "Humidity3pm", "Cloud9am", "Cloud3pm", "AverageTemp" has Lighter Tails

Categorical columns

  • Invalid data

  • "Pressure9am" and "Pressure3pm" have unformatted columns. As such there is a need to change them to lower case values

  • One-Hot-Encoding(OHC)

  1. Required them to turn into continuous variables using one-hot-encoding as model is unable to read them
  • BarPlot to measure Date
  1. Shown to observe the frequency count of the Categorical columns
  2. Not much observable trend for year, month and day for RainTomorrow. Date seems to not be factor in "RainTomorrow"

Responding variables

  1. I have used SMOTE(Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) to treat imbalance classes as there is 77.0% of "Yes" and 23.0% of "No"
  2. After conducting SMOTE, I have checked the Skewness and Kurtosis for all the variables
  3. Skewnes improved for almost all non-OHC apart from "Sunshine" and "Rainfall"
  4. OHC columns are naturally skewed as there are sparse


  • Variance Influence Factors

    1. From the Variance Influence Factors(VIF), if VIF > 10, there exisits multi-collinearity. If the model that we use depends on the linearity assumption, it will wise to remove those columns. However, for tree-based models, they might be more robust and columns can still be kept.
  • Correlation matrix

    1. From the correlation matrix, it is observed that is a somewhat high correlation(0.7 and above)
    • WindSpeed9am and WindGustSpeed
    • WindSpeed3pm and WindGustSpeed
    • Humidity3pm and Humidity9am
    • Cloud3pm and Cloud9am
    1. Again, if we use a linear model, it might be useful to remove WindGustSpeed, (Humidity3pm or Humidity 9am) , (Cloud3pm or Cloud9am)

Table of how features were processed

Missing data Invalid Data Data Tranformation One-Hot-Encoding(OHC) Imbalance data
"None" renamed to "Unknown" in "RainToday" Negative values in "Sunshine"mutiplied by -1 log(1+x) for the columns of 'WindGustSpeed', 'WindSpeed9am', 'Evaporation', 'WindSpeed3pm','Sunshine' Turned all continous variables into their OHC Conducted SMOTE on responding variable "RainTomorrow"
Removed value = 0 in "Evaporation"
"Pressure9am" and "Pressure3pm" were lowercased

Explanation of choice of models

From EDA in Task1, "Sunshine" and "Rainfall" is highly skewed and diffcult to assume a distribution

K-nearest Neigbout(KNN)

  1. No assumption about data as it is a non-parametric model
  2. KNN is simple and easy undestand model for small-medium datasets

From EDA in Task1 there exist mulit-collinearity of most continuous variables. It is unwise to use linear models however, tree-based models could be more resistant to Multi-collinearity


  1. Regularization: It uses L1 and L2 regularization to reduce overfitting
  2. Resistant to Multi-collinearity as it is a tree-based method that selects a subset of the features at each split reducing impact of highly correlated featues


  1. Low bias. Given that RandomForest can capture non-linear relationship between variables without overfitting
  2. Outlier detection. Given that our dataset has quite a number of outliers for several columns such as RainFall, Evaporation, WindGustSpeed, WindSpeed9am, WindSpeed3pm, Humidity9am, Humidity3pm, this model is robust to deal with the outliers
  3. Resistant to Multi-collinearity as it uses boostrap sampling and deature sampling and will pick different features for different model and see different sets of data points

Evaluation of the models developed and metrics used

Based on the logs provided, here are the model and their respective metrics after 5-fold cross validations with GridSearch

Model Accuracy Precision AUC F1-Score Sensitivity(Recall) Specificity Best Accuracy Threshold Best F1 Threshold
KNN Training 0.87 0.80 0.86 0.88 0.98 0.75 0.6989 0.6883
KNN Testing 0.92 0.89 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.88 0.6989 0.6883
Random Forest (Training) 0.86 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.84 0.4825 0.4825
Random Forest (Testing) 0.86 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.89 0.84 0.4825 0.4825
XGBoost (Training) 0.92 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.93 0.5122 0.5122
XGBoost (Testing) 0.92 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.94 0.5122 0.5122

From above, XGBoost seems to be best performing model as it has the highest metrics for for all training and tesing apart from Recall which KNN is higher.

For threshold determination, based on the Precision-Recall and ROC curve, it will be about roughly 0.51 to determine that a class is positive ("RainTomorrow")

Do note that I have used AWS Sagemaker with GPU of instance ml.g4dn.2xlarge

Consideration for deploying models developed

  1. Seamless transition from the training environment. If software engineers are unfamiliar of the training environment, it will lead to an error-prone process during the deployment phase. Containerization technology like Docker can integrate with multiple ML frameworks and model development environments. Models can be deployed in different environments without software conflicts
  2. Model Explainability: There is a need to ensure that the model is interpretable and that stakeholders can understand how it makes predictions.
  3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Development. Models do not stay static after deployment. Due to concept and data drift, upgrading and retraining the model is essential whilst integrating and deploying. Model registry is needed to record and recall details to simplify operational overhead to manage multiple versions of the model. MLFlow and Airflow are technologies to explore in this area.
  4. Security access. One should apply common security best practices for authentication and access.