# Run STARlight simulation in lxplus by using LHE file
# Steps 1 and 2 are recommended to be done in local computer

# *** 1. Generate STARlight output file (plain text) ***
  1-1) Install STARlight
       One can either execute "./compileSTARlight.sh 313" to automatically compile the STARlight v3.13 
       or compile STARlight step by step following the instruction in 'https://starlight.hepforge.org'
  1-2) Setup the configuration/input file (slight.in)
       a) cd starlightTrunk_v313/build
       b) cp ../config/slight.in . (In 'starlightLHE/cohJpsiConfigAt5p02TeV' directory, there is a pre-defined input file for coherent Jpsi in PbPb@5.02 TeV with interference turned on)
       c) set the parameters according to your need. Please see details in p6-12 of Readme.pdf under 'starlightTrunk_v313' directory or section 7 of the STAR manual [Comput. Phys. Commun. 212 (2017) 258].

  1-3) Generate STARlight output: 
       a) one can directly execute "./starlight" under 'starlightTrunk_v313/build' directory to generate STARlight output (slight.out) after finishing 1-1) and 1-2) steps.
          Please see the desciption of output in 'https://starlight.hepforge.org' or section 8 of the STAR manual [Comput. Phys. Commun. 212 (2017) 258].
       b) there is a simple macro, sitting in 'starlightLHE/anaSTARlightOutput' directory, to analyze STARlight output

# *** 2. Convert plain STARlight output file to CMS LHE file (take coherent Jpsi as an example) ***
  To save computing time, the plain STARlight output file with large statistics should be splitted into many small files for job submission in lxplus cluster. The most time-consuming step in CMS simulation chain (GENSIM->DIGIRAW->RECO) is DIGIRAW, the input statistics of DIGIRAW step is better not to exceed 2000 events for UPC simulation without embedding. One could apply filters in 'STARlight output file --> LHE file' and GENSIM steps, therefore, one needs to evaluate the statistics for each small plain STARlight output file.

  2-1) make a directory (e.g., 'mkdir CohJpsi') under generateLHE directory, copy the generated STARlight output file in step 1-3) to 'CohJpsi' directory, and rename the STARlight output file (e.g., 'mv slight.out slight.CohJpsi.out'). It is better to also copy the STARlight configuration file (slight.in) to CohJpsi directory, which can remind people the exact settings in the future.

  2-2) under 'generateLHE' directory, execute './splitSTARlight.sh 4000 CohJpsi' to split the large STARlight output file (4000 means each small file has 1000 STARlight events). This script simply call the 'split' command.
       -- NOTE, if one runs this script in macOS, please install gsplit, comment out the split command, and then use the gsplit command.

  2-3) under 'generateLHE' directory, execute './convertLHE.sh CohJpsi' to convert the splitted STARlight output files to CMS LHE files. This script calls 'convert_SL2LHE.C' macro, one can directly run this macro by using 'root -l -b -q convert_SL2LHE.C', of course, a valid input file is needed. In this step, one can apply some additional filters in convert_SL2LHE.C, e.g., pair rapidity filter, kinematic filter of daughters etc. The kinematic filter of daughter particle is not recommended, because one needs to evaluate detector acceptance in Jpsi analysis.

# *** 3. MC simulation chain (GENSIM->DIGIRAW->RECO) in lxplus ***

  3-1) If steps 1 and 2 are performed in local computer, one needs to copy the generated LHE files to lxplus eos disk (e.g., in my case, the lhe files are stored in '/eos/cms/store/group/phys_heavyions/shuaiy/STARlight/officalMCRequest/')

  3-2) Set up CMS environment (see details in CMS workbook chapter 1.3) in lxplus work area (In general, the exactly same CMSSW package as that in official real data production should be used. However, CMSSW_10_3_5 instead of CMSSW_10_3_3_patch1, is used in the official MC productions for UPC Jpsi analysis. Therefore, the following instruction uses CMSSW_10_3_5)
       a) source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh
       b) export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc700 (set the same slc-gcc version as the needed CMSSW release, check slc-gcc version by using 'scram list -a | grep CMSSW_10_3_5')
       c) cmsrel CMSSW_10_3_5 # only needs to be done once
       d) cd CMSSW_10_3_5/src
       e) cmsenv

  3-3) Generate python configration files 
       a) cd CMSSW_10_3_5/src
       b) copy everything under 'starlightLHE/scriptForSimulation' dirctory to 'CMSSW_10_3_5/src'
       c) execute 'scram b -j 8'
       d) execute './genPythonCfg_cmsDriver.sh' to generate the python configration files for GENSIM(mc_step1), DIGIRAW(mc_step2), and RECO(mc_step3). One can replace the lhe file right after '--filein' by a new generated LHE file.
       e) move these three python files (step*.py) to 'submitJob' directory and 'cd submitJob'
       f) do some local test by executing 'cmsRun step1_STARlight_LHE_GenSim_cfg.py', 'cmsRun step2_STARlight_Digi_cfg.py', and 'cmsRun step3_STARlight_Reco_cfg.py' for GENSIM, DIGIRAW, and RECO steps, respectively. 
          -- The input file of mc_step1 is LHE file generated in step 2-3), the input file of mc_step2 is the output file of mc_step1, and the input file of mc_step3 is the output file of mc_step2.
          -- A kinematic filter (muminusfilter/muplusfilter) of daughter particle is used in GENSIM step, therefore, the produced MC samples cannot be used for acceptance estimation.

  3-4) Submit crab jobs to lxplus grid (do NOT directly submit the crab job !!!, the input lists or datasets have huge statistics). Please see details in 'https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/WorkBookCRAB3Tutorial'
       a) authenticate grid certificate by executing 'voms-proxy-init --rfc --voms cms' (make sure you already register the CMS VOMS, see details in 'https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideLcgAccess')
       NOTE: replace 'shuaiy' by your lxplus username for config.Data.outLFNDirBase in the configuration files for the following steps b)-d)
       b) executing 'crab submit crabMultiConfig_STARlight_GenSkim.py' to submit GENSIM jobs to lxplus grid (better do dryrun before real submission)
       c) Once the jobs of GENSIM step are finish, feed the dataset of GENSIM to DIGIRAW configration file, and then executing 'crab submit crabMultiConfig_STARlight_Digi.py' to submit DIGIRAW jobs
       d) Once the jobs of DIGIRAW step are finish, feed the dataset of DIGIRAW to RECO configration file, and then executing 'crab submit crabMultiConfig_STARlight_Reco.py' to submit RECO jobs