
SEGP Group 3A Members

  1. Lee Ze-Cong
  2. Loh Sheng Yong
  3. Choong Jiachenn
  4. Khizar Azam Syed
  5. Keith Arogo Owino


A web-based application to keep track of stock records, and provide reminders on low stock counts. Developed for Durian Garden as part of our Software Engineering Group Project (SEGP)

Setup Locally


This repository can be cloned via HTTPS using the command below:

$ git clone https://github.com/Jiachenn99/DGSB-Stock-Management-Project.git

Installing required packages


Python 3.6 and above should be installed on your system. To check whether Python is installed on your system, open your terminal (cmd for Windows, Bash for Linux/MacOS/Unix), and run

python3 --version


python --version 


py --version

If a command not found error appears, please refer to the link below to download Python for your system:


On Windows

  1. Navigate to the cloned repository (DGSB-Stock-Management-Project)
  2. Navigate to the Setup folder.
  3. Double click windows_setup.bat
  4. The installation for required packages and virtual environment should proceed.

On Linux / Unix / MacOS

  1. Open the terminal (Bash)
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository (/DGSB-Stock-Management-Project/Setup)
  3. Type in ./linux_mac_setup.sh and press ENTER
  4. The installation for required packages and virtual environment should proceed.

All required packages and dependencies will be installed into a virtual_environment named virtual_environment

Installing XAMPP

To run locally, we are using XAMPP that provides us with the interface to host a simple mySQL server alongside the a Apache Web Server. To install XAMPP, simply head to: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html to download the distribution that fits your operating system.

Running our Code Locally

Ensure you are in the project's root directory (DGSB-Stock-Management-Project/)

Enter the virtual environment

Using a command line interface, perform the commands below:

On Command Prompt

> .\virtual_environment\Scripts\activate

On Bash/Powershell

$ source virtual_environment/Scripts/activate

For confirmation that you have entered the virtual_environment, the command line should display in brackets the virtual_environment name:

(virtual_environment) <path>\DGSB-Stock-Management-Project>

Starting the web server and database server

Ensure you have XAMPP Control Panel installed, run the application, and start two services:

  1. Apache
  2. mySQL

Creating a database

Using XAMPP Control Panel, click the 'Admin' button on the mySQL service. Then, add a database named 'duriangarden' using phpMyAdmin.

Running migrations

Since the database is newly created, it does not have the fields or tables that you will require, in that case, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you are in the virtual_environment, then, run python manage.py migrate to apply all migrations.
  2. The migrations should be applied, and you can check on phpMyAdmin whether the tables are created.

Starting the Django app

Run this in the command line:

python manage.py runserver

The server should start, and you can access it in a web browser with:
