
Physics-based Character Controllers Using Conditional VAEs (SIGGRAPH 2022)

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION




This repository provides executable codes for the paper Physics-based Character Controllers Using Conditional VAEs, which was published in SIGGRAPH 2022. Click here to see the paper.

Please note that we are not able to guarantee that the codes will work if it is run with settings that we did not intend when we developed for the project. We would appreciate it if users could report the problems when they find it.


    author = {Won, Jungdam and Gopinath, Deepak and Hodgins, Jessica},
    title = {Physics-based Character Controllers Using Conditional VAEs},
    year = {2022},
    issue_date = {Aug 2022},
    volume = {41},
    number = {4},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3528223.3530067},
    journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
    articleno = {96},

Getting Started


Although we only confirmed that the codes work correctly in Ubuntu (20.04) environment, probably it will work in other environments without much troubles if it is installed in a fresh Python virtual environment, which we recommend users to use to prevent from mixing different pakage versions.


git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/PhysicsVAE


fairmotion provides functionalities to process motion capture data and, to compute kinematics, to visualize simulated characters and environments. Follow the link for the installation.


We use PyBullet for physics simulation and rllib for reinforcement learning.

pip install pybullet==3.1.7 ray[rllib]==1.11.0 pandas requests

Installation Test

To test installation, please see the script below and check whether the simulation environment is loaded properly.

python3 rllib_driver.py --mode load --spec data/spec/pfnn/pfnn_test.yaml --project_dir ../PhysicsVAE/


The process of training includes 3 steps: preparing expert demonstrations, pre-training the world model (simulation), and learning the entire model.

Prepraring expert demonstrations

In principle, expert demonstrations (s1, a1, s2, a2, ...) from any existing controllers can be used. In our implementation, we use deep RL imitation controllers ScaDiver to generate our demonstrations. To make this repo self-contained, ScaDiver codes and training scrips are included in this repo. Please see the original repo for more details.

Please run the script below to learn a ScaDiver imitation policy for the locomotion (PFNN) dataset.

python3 rllib_driver.py --mode train --spec data/spec/pfnn/pfnn_imitation.yaml --project_dir ../PhysicsVAE/ --local_dir SAVE_DIR_FOR_CHECKPOINT --num_workers 40 --num_cpus 320 --num_gpus 0

Once learned, you can generate expert demonstrations (s1, a1, s2, a2, ...) by the following script. Our implementation to genearte this only utilize a single CPU, so please keep in mind that this process can take several hours. For example, if we want to create motions that is 100 minutes long in total (10 min x 10 iteration), in some slow workstations, you may really need to wait for 100 minutes because physics simulation is computationally expensive.

python3 rllib_driver.py --mode gen_expert_demo --spec data/spec/pfnn/pfnn_imitation.yaml --project_dir ../PhysicsVAE/ --checkpoint SAVED_CHECKPOINT

Once finished, you will get a pickled file that includes the demonstrations of which data structure looks like below. For more details, please refer to "train_physics_vae.py".

        The dimension of action
        The dimension of state
        The dimension of proprioceptive state
        The dimension of task (goal) state
        std of Gaussian policy used for generating episodes. 
        This is the main source why each episode is different from each other
        even if they be run with the same referece motion
        How many episodes are generated for the same reference motion
        A list of episodes [ep_1, ep_2, ..., ep_N]
        A list of elapsed times [t_1, t_2, ..., t_T]
        A list of states [s_1, s_2, ..., s_T]
        A list of proprioceptive states [sb_1, sb_2, ..., sb_T]
        A list of task (goal) states [sg_1, sg_2, ..., sg_T]
        A list of actions [a_1, a_2, ..., a_T]
        A list of rewards [r_1, r_2, ..., r_T]

Pre-training the world model (simulation) and learning the entire model

In our implmentation, we can run the remaining two precedures with a single scrip, where the world model will be pre-trained for max_iter_world_model iterations first then the entire model will be trained for the remaining max_iter - max_iter_world_model iterations while the world model keeps fixed.

# This will train both the world model (for 300 iterations) and the entire model (for 500 iterations)
python train_physics_vae.py --max_iter 800 --max_iter_world_model 300 --data_train PICKLED_EXPERT_DEMONSTRATIONS

# This will train the world model only
python train_physics_vae.py --max_iter 300 --max_iter_world_model 300 --data_train PICKLED_EXPERT_DEMONSTRATIONS

# This will train the entire model where the world model is fixed by the given weights (PRETRAINED_WORLD_MODEL)
python train_physics_vae.py --max_iter 500 --max_iter_world_model 0 --data_train PICKLED_EXPERT_DEMONSTRATIONS --world_model PRETRAINED_WORLD_MODEL


The simulation environment with the learned model can be loaded by the script below. After the system is loaded, press a to run/stop the simulation and r to reset the simulation. Use q to change the policy evaluation method, where full means that the entire model (task encoder + motor decoder) will be used to generate the action while pass_through will only infer the motor decoder by using the preprioceptive state and a random noise from the standard normal distribution. Please refer to "rllib_env_imitation.py" for more details.

python3 rllib_driver.py --mode load --spec data/spec/pfnn/pfnn_imitation.yaml --project_dir ../PhysicsVAE/ --checkpoint SAVED_CHECKPOINT

Precomputed Data & Pretrained Model

To be updated.


This repo is released under the CC-BY-NC 4.0.