
This is the source code of the paper "A Cooperative Memory Network for Personalized Task-oriented Dialogue Systems with Incomplete User Profiles", accepted by TheWebConf 2021.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the source code of the paper "A Cooperative Memory Network for Personalized Task-oriented Dialogue Systems with Incomplete User Profiles", accepted by TheWebConf 2021.

Please contact me by email (j.pei@uva.nl) if you have any questions.


The original personalized TDS dataset is accessible using this link. And the preprocessed dataset can be found at this link.

Examples of how to run .sh files with parameters

Parameters of train.sh and infer.sh are $1_run_node $2_model_name $3_exp_setting $4_other_params.

sh train.sh 104 CTDS _our_t5_pro1_g1_pre1_pdr0.0_k100all_ep250 '--use_profile=1 --use_neighbor=1 --use_preference=1 --profile_dropout_ratio=0.0 --bsl=0 --task=babi-small-t5 --neighbor_policy=k --epoches=250'
sh infer.sh 104 CTDS _our_t5_pro1_g1_pre1_pdr0.0_k100all_ep250 '--use_profile=1 --use_neighbor=1 --use_preference=1 --profile_dropout_ratio=0.0 --bsl=0 --task=babi-small-t5 --neighbor_policy=k --epoches=250'