Slimmable Networks, AutoSlim, and Beyond, ICLR 2019, and ICCV 2019
- 0
how to run this code with cpu
#58 opened by Chenhait - 3
model profiling
#37 opened by lyn0102 - 1
- 1
the issues of fuction SlimableConv2D
#56 opened by baiyu12345 - 0
Some questions with the code.
#51 opened by tfwang08 - 0
No module named 'mmdet.ops.nms.gpu_nms'
#55 opened by likunnb - 0
Mobile Implementation
#54 opened by jsiloto - 0
Slimmable Network using Mixed Precision
#53 opened by pprp - 0
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- 8
reproducing CIFAR10 results for AutoSlim
#40 opened by RudyChin - 1
AutoSlim search
#46 opened by HaloTrouvaille - 1
#49 opened by Booooooooooo - 2
- 1
top1 error = 0.99 when testing
#48 opened by YoungDav - 0
- 7
why use slimmable_training instead of universally_slimmable_training: True in Autoslim
#38 opened by GYxiaOH - 1
Would you share Image Super Resolution example model for Universally Slimmable Network training?
#45 opened by conson0214 - 1
A Question
#44 opened by Youskrpig - 1
memory increasing during testing
#43 opened by octavianmm - 1
Question about slimming
#41 opened by dada-thu - 1
Run the experiment with distributed mode
#42 opened by hwang595 - 3
width_mult = None when training us-Net
#28 opened by lucaskyle - 1
Using Cifar-100 to train slimmable_networks
#39 opened by BcomedianC - 8
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When will you release Greedy Slimming?
#32 opened by apxlwl - 1
channel configuration of auto-slim mobilenet-v2
#16 opened by twangnh - 1
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us.mobilenet_v2 cifar
#29 opened by lucaskyle - 5
how can i load us_model at a certain ratio
#30 opened by lucaskyle - 6
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Why bn layers do not have weight_decay?
#33 opened by leoozy - 3
Is num_sample_training=2 enough for training ?
#31 opened by bhheo - 5
How to retrain slim-MobilenetV2
#11 opened by Zeitzmz - 10
Good job!
#7 opened by zh583007354 - 6
US-Net BatchNorm
#22 opened by semin-park - 8
How to collect post statistics of BN
#10 opened by VectorYoung - 1
USNet for Obeject Detection
#21 opened by VectorYoung - 1
Memory Leak when Training US-Net
#20 opened by VectorYoung - 1
Sliming Object detection models
#19 opened by abhigoku10 - 1
Training Speed, S-Net vs. US-Net
#18 opened by VectorYoung - 4
Training Speed
#17 opened by VectorYoung - 3
some questions about pertained model
#8 opened by bestfleer - 3
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Reproduced Result
#14 opened by VectorYoung - 5
weight decay = 0 for BN parameters
#15 opened by wesleywesleyteng - 1
is the shufflenet implemented v1 or v2? Thanks.
#13 opened by liwei46 - 1
Add code
#2 opened by axzfeeomrzrqeue