A fork of DenseTNT

Primary LanguagePython

DenseTNT on Carla

Add some scripts to train and fintune with Carla, Also support realtime running on Carla.

  • This is the implementation of the paper: DenseTNT: End-to-end Trajectory Prediction from Dense Goal Sets (ICCV 2021).
  • DenseTNT v1.0 was released in November 1st, 2021.

Quick Start


  • Python ≥ 3.6
  • PyTorch ≥ 1.6

1) Install Packages

 pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
 pip3 install -r requirements.txt

2) Install Argoverse API

The latest version of Argoverse requires Python ≥ 3.7

If using Python 3.6, you can install Argoverse v1.0


3) Compile Cython

Compile a .pyx file into a C file using Cython (already installed at step 1):

⚠️Recompiling is needed every time the pyx files are changed.

cd src/ && cython -a utils_cython.pyx && python setup.py build_ext --inplace && cd ../


Results on Argoverse motion forecasting validation set:

minADE minFDE Miss Rate
DenseTNT w/ 100ms optimization (Miss Rate) 0.80 1.27 7.0%
DenseTNT w/ 100ms optimization (minFDE) 0.73 1.05 9.8%
DenseTNT w/ goal set predictor (Miss Rate) 0.82 1.37 7.0%
DenseTNT w/ goal set predictor (minFDE) 0.75 1.05 9.7%


1) Train

Suppose the training data of Argoverse motion forecasting is at ./train/data/.

OUTPUT_DIR=models.densetnt.1; \
GPU_NUM=8; \
python3 src/run.py --argoverse --future_frame_num 30 \
  --do_train --data_dir ./train/data/ --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
  --hidden_size 128 --train_batch_size 64 --use_map \
  --core_num 16 --use_centerline --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} \
  --other_params \
    semantic_lane direction  \
    goals_2D enhance_global_graph subdivide lazy_points laneGCN point_sub_graph \
    stage_one stage_one_dynamic=0.95 laneGCN-4 point_level-4-3 complete_traj complete_traj-3

Example on my machine:

python3 src/run.py --argoverse --future_frame_num 30   --do_train --data_dir ./data/argoverse/train/data --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --hidden_size 128 --train_batch_size 64 --use_map   --core_num 16 --use_centerline --distributed_training 1 --other_params semantic_lane direction goals_2D enhance_global_graph subdivide lazy_points laneGCN point_sub_graph     stage_one stage_one_dynamic=0.95 laneGCN-4 point_level-4-3 complete_traj complete_traj-3 # --reuse_temp_file

Training takes 20 minutes per epoch and 5 hours for the default 16 epochs on 8 × 2080Ti. Add --reuse_temp_file to skip re-listing the map file for the second time running

2) Evaluate

Suppose the validation data of Argoverse motion forecasting is at ./val/data/.

  • Optimize Miss Rate:

    • Add --do_eval --eval_params optimization MRminFDE cnt_sample=9 opti_time=0.1 to the end of the training command.
  • Optimize minFDE:

    • Add --do_eval --eval_params optimization MRminFDE=0.0 cnt_sample=9 opti_time=0.1 to the end of the training command.

Example on my machine:

python3 src/run.py --argoverse --future_frame_num 30 --output_dir models.densetnt.1   --hidden_size 128 --train_batch_size 64 --use_map   --core_num 16 --use_centerline --distributed_training 1  --other_params     semantic_lane direction      goals_2D enhance_global_graph subdivide lazy_points laneGCN point_sub_graph     stage_one stage_one_dynamic=0.95 laneGCN-4 point_level-4-3 complete_traj complete_traj-3 --do_eval --eval_params optimization MRminFDE cnt_sample=9 opti_time=0.1 --data_dir_for_val ./data/argoverse/val_200/data/ # --reuse_temp_file --visualize

Result for all vali data:

method 0, FDE 1.3026716672555985, MR 0.07202573976489664, other_errors {'stage_one_k': 3.005421564653425, 'stage_one_recall': 0.9601743007701662}
other_errors {'stage_one_k': 3.005421564653425, 'stage_one_recall': 0.9601743007701662}
{'minADE': 0.8216933611058539, 'minFDE': 1.302671667255584, 'MR': 0.07202573976489664}
ADE 1.4395600034558007
DE@1 0.8137086290007429
DE@2 1.781262619181053
DE@3 3.1312567902911526

For val_200 (actually 256): {'minADE': 0.8898264549311076, 'minFDE': 1.382250767700175, 'MR': 0.09375}

3) Train Set Predictor (Optional)

Compared with the optimization algorithm (default setting), the set predictor has similar performance but faster inference speed.

After training DenseTNT, suppose the model path is at models.densetnt.1/model_save/model.16.bin. The command for training the set predictor is:

OUTPUT_DIR=models.densetnt.set_predict.1; \
MODEL_PATH=models.densetnt.1/model_save/model.16.bin; \
GPU_NUM=8; \
python src/run.py --argoverse --future_frame_num 30 \
  --do_train --data_dir train/data/ --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
  --hidden_size 128 --train_batch_size 64 --use_map \
  --core_num 16 --use_centerline --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} \
  --other_params \
    semantic_lane direction goals_2D enhance_global_graph subdivide lazy_points laneGCN point_sub_graph \
    stage_one stage_one_dynamic=0.95 laneGCN-4 point_level-4-3 complete_traj \
    set_predict=6 set_predict-6 data_ratio_per_epoch=0.4 set_predict-topk=0 set_predict-one_encoder set_predict-MRratio=1.0 \
    set_predict-train_recover=${MODEL_PATH} \

Example on my machine:

python3 src/run.py --argoverse --future_frame_num 30 \
  --do_train --data_dir ./data/argoverse/train/data/ --output_dir models.densetnt.set_predict.1 \
  --hidden_size 128 --train_batch_size 64 --use_map \
  --core_num 16 --use_centerline --distributed_training 1 \
  --other_params \
    semantic_lane direction goals_2D enhance_global_graph subdivide lazy_points laneGCN point_sub_graph \
    stage_one stage_one_dynamic=0.95 laneGCN-4 point_level-4-3 complete_traj \
    set_predict=6 set_predict-6 data_ratio_per_epoch=0.4 set_predict-topk=0 set_predict-one_encoder set_predict-MRratio=1.0 \
    set_predict-train_recover=models.densetnt.1/model_save/model.16.bin  # --reuse_temp_file

This training command optimizes Miss Rate. To optimize minFDE, change set_predict-MRratio=1.0 in the command to set_predict-MRratio=0.0.

To evaluate the set predictor, just add --do_eval to the end of this training command. Default eval ADE is very large. finally solved by:

python3 src/run.py --argoverse --future_frame_num 30 \
  --output_dir models.densetnt.1 --hidden_size 128 --train_batch_size 64 --use_map \
  --core_num 16 --use_centerline --distributed_training 1 \
  --other_params \
    semantic_lane direction goals_2D enhance_global_graph subdivide lazy_points laneGCN point_sub_graph \
    stage_one stage_one_dynamic=0.95 laneGCN-4 point_level-4-3 complete_traj \
    set_predict=6 set_predict-6 data_ratio_per_epoch=0.4 set_predict-topk=0 set_predict-one_encoder set_predict-MRratio=1.0 \
    set_predict-train_recover=models.densetnt.set_predict.1/model_save/model.16.bin --do_eval \
    --data_dir_for_val ./data/argoverse/val_200/data/ --reuse_temp_file # --visualize

and changed codes of the model loading part accrodingly. Result:

other_errors {'stage_one_k': 3.005421564653425, 'stage_one_recall': 0.9601743007701662, 'set_MR_pred': 0.07126570733684637, 'set_minFDE_pred': 1.390715484339638}
{'minADE': 0.8472929869140687, 'minFDE': 1.390715484339639, 'MR': 0.07126570733684637}
ADE 1.524842857083471
DE@1 0.8426495707258723
DE@2 1.8900086805419107
DE@3 3.3966121944761225

For val_200 (actually 256): {'minADE': 0.9427310026252854, 'minFDE': 1.4779373419324868, 'MR': 0.0859375}


If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing the paper:

  title={Densetnt: End-to-end trajectory prediction from dense goal sets},
  author={Gu, Junru and Sun, Chen and Zhao, Hang},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},