Jiaming-Zhang's Stars
Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface
定投改变命运 —— 让时间陪你慢慢变富 https://onregularinvesting.com
This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans.
Matplotlib 3.1 cheat sheet.
Opencv4.0 with python (English&中文), and will keep the update ! 👊
Apply and save color schemes in MATLAB with ease.
Gramm is a complete data visualization toolbox for Matlab. It provides an easy to use and high-level interface to produce publication-quality plots of complex data with varied statistical visualizations. Gramm is inspired by R's ggplot2 library.
Publication quality plot in MATLAB.
Open Source Digital Microfluidics Bio Lab
为了让更多的学生可以更方便的入门OpenCV, 1Z学院 秉承make things easy的理念, 编写了这套OpenCV基础入门公开课-1Z学院. 而且课件与OpenCV源码均放置在Github上面开源, 大家可以及时下载与更新, 1Z学院会持续更新, 并录制视频教程. 教程源文件(.md后缀文件, markdown) 可以在github实时的浏览, 也可以使用软件typora打开, 离线也正常浏览课程配图.
使用OpenCV实现色块追踪 为了方便大家入门OpenCV以及使用OpenCV实现颜色识别, 阿凯编写了相关的上位机脚本, 同时也有. 刚开始的时候, 你的精力可以放在算法流程上面, 没必要在前期过于关注代码的细节. 脚本的代码阿凯也是逐行注释的, 也可以作为你的项目参考 .
Chemios Framework 👨🏾🔬: Accelerating Science through Automation
其实Linux没有大家想得那么难,只要你掌握一些Linux的基本常识就可以算是入门Linux了。 有时候就是因为缺乏一些背景知识,导致你在学习Linux,学习命令行的时候会感觉自己一脸茫然。 1Z实验室,推出了**Linux快速入门**教程,就是给你提供必要的背景知识,不单单讲命令行,让你可以比较块的速度掌握Linux的基本操作。
High-throughput droplet microfluidic devices with fluorescence detection systems provide several advantages over conventional end-point cytometric techniques due to their ability to isolate single cells and investigate complex intracellular dynamics. While there have been significant advances in the field of experimental droplet microfluidics, the development of complementary software tools has lagged. Existing quantification tools have limitations including interdependent hardware platforms or challenges analyzing a wide range of high-throughput droplet microfluidic data using a single algorithm. To address these issues, an all-in-one Python algorithm called FluoroCellTrack was developed and its wide-range utility was tested on three different applications including quantification of cellular response to drugs, droplet tracking, and intracellular fluorescence. The algorithm imports all images collected using bright field and fluorescence microscopy and analyzes them to extract useful information. Two parallel steps are performed where droplets are detected using a mathematical Circular Hough Transform (CHT) while single cells (or other contours) are detected by a series of steps defining respective color boundaries involving edge detection, dilation, and erosion. These feature detection steps are strengthened by segmentation and radius/area thresholding for precise detection and removal of false positives. Individually detected droplet and contour center maps are overlaid to obtain encapsulation information for further analyses. FluoroCellTrack demonstrates an average of a ~92-99% similarity with manual analysis and exhibits a significant reduction in analysis time of 30 min to analyze an entire cohort compared to 20 h required for manual quantification.
Matlab: beautiful and distinguishable line colors + colormap
Microfluidics Imaging Rigs with Caged Optics
Research project based on micro-fluidics. Image processing algorithms to find the mixing index implemented in MATLAB.
A miniature sauna for happy E coli. A temperature controlled box with humidity logging made from an ItsyBitsy M4, DHT22 and an Aim TTi PSU with two heaters.