
This repository archives the scripts for constructing diurnal ECOSTRESS LST and ET for a given site/area (Wen et al., 2022). We first constructs 70 m diurnal LST utilizing a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model that fused ECOSTRESS and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) LST. Next, we derives 70 m diurnal ET from the diurnally resolved LST, along with ancillary meteorological and reflectance data sets, using the Priestley-Taylor Jet Propulsion Laboratory (PT-JPL) algorithm.

Wen, J., Fisher, J. B., Parazoo, N. C., Hu, L., Litvak, M. E., & Sun, Y. (2022). Resolve the Clear‐Sky Continuous Diurnal Cycle of High‐Resolution ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration and Land Surface Temperature. Water Resources Research, 58(9), e2022WR032227.

Script Description

The overall workflow is described in main.R. It consists of four steps:

Step 1: Generate shapefile for the region of interest, provide information about e.g., time window, time zone, etc.

Step 2: Download and Preprocess the data.

Step 3: Construct diurnal LST using DTC model.

Step 4: Construct diurnal ET using PT-JPL ET model.

Several scripts that are used for analysis, but not used for data generation, are also provided in Code/Others folder.

Input data

The datasets employed in this work include:

a. ECOSTRESS LST and ET (recommend downloading from AppEEARS


c. MERRA-2 meteorological data (

d. Landsat 8 reflectance data ( or HLS (

e. Flux tower data (optional, for comparison and validation, can be downloaded from

f. Land cover data (optional,

Data example is not uploaded to Github due to space limit. It can be downloaded from:

R Package Version

R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)

Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Attached base packages

parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

Other attached packages

suncalc_0.5.0 rasterVis_0.50.2 latticeExtra_0.6-29 terra_1.2-10

lattice_0.20-44 rgeos_0.5-5 rgdal_1.5-23 sf_0.9-8

akima_0.6-2.1 zoo_1.8-9 abind_1.4-5 bigleaf_0.7.1

stringr_1.4.0 ncdf4_1.17 raster_3.4-10 sp_1.4-5

Contact Information

Twitter: @JiamingWen233