- Global
- Cmd + e -> Recent Files
- Code Complete -> Cmd + Shift + Enter
- Organize Imports -> Cmd + Alt + O
- Reformat Code -> Cmd + Alt + L
- Create Test Class
- Cmd + 1 -> Project Window
- Ctrl + n -> Create Java Class
- Ctrl + n -> Create Test Method
- Create Target Class (Arrange)
- Potter potter = new Potter(); -> F2 -> Navigate to Next Error
- Potter potter = new Potter(); -> Alt + Enter -> Show Context Actions
- Create Target Method (Act)
- potter.calPrice(Arrays.asList(potter)); -> F2 -> Navigate to Next Error
- potter.calPrice(Arrays.asList(potter)); -> Alt + Enter -> Show Context Actions
- Int price = potter.calPrice(Arrays.asList(potter)); -> Alt + Enter -> Show Context Actions
- (Assert)
- assertEquals(100, price); -> Alt + Enter -> Show Context Actions
- Run (Red)
- Alt + Shift + F10 -> Run
- Alt + Shift + F10 -> Run Last Configuration
- thinking how to locate quickly
- VIM skill
- AceJump plugin
- thinking how to edit effectively
- VIM skill
- 2 + (Ctrl A or X)
- IDE hot key
- V + (j or k) + Cmd D
- Postfix Custom Template
- Mix it !
- VIM skill
- Arrange The Resources
- Act The Target
- Assert Equals
- Red
- Green
- Refactor
- Baby Step
- https://tw.alphacamp.co/blog/2015-03-02-tdd-kata
- https://tw.alphacamp.co/blog/tdd-test-driven-development-example
- https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/tdd-with-intellij-idea.html
- https://marco79423.net/articles/%E7%AD%86%E8%A8%98-%E8%87%AA%E5%8B%95%E5%8C%96%E6%B8%AC%E8%A9%A6%E8%88%87-tdd-%E5%AF%A6%E5%8B%99%E9%96%8B%E7%99%BC/
- https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/users/20107209/ironman/1278
- https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/users/20010292/ironman/462