#Schdule System

#About The Project

This application helps manage scheduling system for a global consulting organization that conducts business in multiple languages. It allows users to add, edit, and delete customer and appoinment by using a graphical user interface (GUI). The user can easily navigate through the different functionalities of the application.

Author: Jianxin Wang
Contact Information: jianxin1700@gmail.com
Student Application Version: 1.0

#Built With

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.1.3 x64

JDK Version: Java SE Development Kit 11.0.11

JavaFX Version: JavaFX-SDK-17.0.1

MySQL Connector driver version number:mysql-connector-java-8.0.25

#Getting Started

Clone the repository from GitHub.

Open the project in IntelliJ.

Make sure the JDK and JavaFX SDK are properly configured in the project settings.

Add the MySQL Connector driver to the project classpath.

Run the program by executing the main method in the SchedulingSystem class.

#Additional Report

The third additional report I choose write is a schedule for each customer in the organization that includes appointment ID, title, type and description, start date and time, end date and time, and contact ID.