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china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-numeric-pageout.csl 基础上修改,作者首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”,locator页码在括号外面,报纸为出版日期,不改变Zotero中Title大小写,类型将不显示OL,书籍的日期不显示,不显示URL,不显示DOI。


[1] 本报记者 李昌禹. “决不让一个兄弟民族掉队”[N]. 人民日报, 2021–02–23(006).
[2] 本书编写组. 党的十九届五中全会《建议》学习辅导百问[M]. 党建读物出版社 学习出版社, 2020.
[3] Marcon A V, Caldara F R, De Oliveira G F, et al. Pork quality after electrical or carbon dioxide stunning at slaughter[J]. Meat Science, 2019, 156: 93–97.
[4] 梁荣蓉, 李楠, 王仁欢, 等. 夏季类 PSE 鸡肉判定标准的建立及其品质特征[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2014, 40(8): 231–237.





1 魏治勋、汪潇:《“法治**”如何吸收和融通西方制度文化资源》,载《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2016年,第06期,第59–68页。
2 同上。
3 AALBERS Henrick et al.:Does pre‐packed bankruptcy create value? An empirical study of postbankruptcy employment retention in The Netherlands, International Insolvency Review 320, 320–339 (2019).
4 Id.
5 NEUSTADTER Gary:2006: A Consumer Bankruptcy Odyssey, 39 Creighton Law Review 225, 225–355 (2006).
6 许德风:《破产法论:解释与功能比较的视角》,北京大学出版社2015年版: 25。
7 同上p.26。
8 KEETON Robert E, WIDISS Alan I, FISCHER James M:Insurance law: A guide to fundamental principles, legal doctrines, and commercial Practices. 2nd edition. , West Academic Publishing2017: 25.
9 Id.p.20.
10 文秀峰:《个人破产法律制度研究》,**政法大学2004年博士学位论文。
11 同上p.20。
12 LEE Chong Kyoon:Business failure and entrepreneurship: Three essays on the effects of the cost of Failure, (Syracuse University 2017].
13 Id.p.20.

网友李刚gang.li.0814@gmail.com)分享,中南财经政法大学硕博论文样式,中文文献排在前面,英文文献排在后面(需要在条目中将language英文设为en,中文为中文,否则无法实现按语言排序)。支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”


(Berhe et al, 2014)
(王越溪和王鹏, 2018)
(庞之列等, 2014)
(He et al, 2013)

[1] 王越溪, 王鹏. 鸡肉早餐肠加工技术研究进展[J]. **家禽, 2018, 40(23): 37–42.
[2] 庞之列, 何栩晓, 李春保. 一种基于LF-NMR技术的不同含水量猪肉检测方法研究[J]. 食品科学, 2014(04): 142–145.
[3] Berhe D T, Engelsen S B, Hviid M S, Lametsch R. Raman spectroscopic study of effect of the cooking temperature and time on meat Proteins[J]. Food Research International, 2014, 66: 123–131.
[4] He H, Wu D, Sun D. Non-destructive and rapid analysis of moisture distribution in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets using visible and near-infrared hyperspectral Imaging[J]. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2013, 18: 237–245.

网友洋芋chivele.lee@gmail.com)分享,西南大学硕博论文样式,正文中两个中文作者之间为“和”,英文作者为“and”。参考文献列表中文文献排在前面,英文文献排在后面(需要在条目中将language英文设为en,中文为中文,否则无法实现按语言排序)。英文期刊名称为斜体。支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”


(杨赫鸿等, 2012)
(ElMasry et al., 2011)
(庞之列和何栩晓, 2014)
(Gross et al., 2013)

[1] 庞之列, 何栩晓. 一种基于LF-NMR技术的不同含水量猪肉检测方法研究[J]. 食品科学, 2014(04): 142-145.
[2] 杨赫鸿, 李沛军, 孔保华, 等. 低场核磁共振技术在肉品科学研究中的应用[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012(13): 400-405.
[3] ElMasry G, Sun D-W, Allen P. Non-destructive determination of water-holding capacity in fresh beef by using NIR hyperspectral Imaging[J]. Food Research International, 2011, 44(9): 2624-2633. DOI:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.05.001.
[4] Gross J B, Furterer A, Carlson B M, et al. An Integrated Transcriptome-Wide Analysis of Cave and Surface Dwelling Astyanax Mexicanus[J]. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(2): e55659. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0055659.

  • 中华医学会系列杂志样式。china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-numeric.csl 基础上修改,作者为大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”。英文期刊名称为缩写,缩写使用方法:在Word的Zotero工具条上点击Document preferences,选择Chinese Medical Association(numeric, Chinese后,点击Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations前的复选框,使之选中,则使用MEDLINE的缩写格式;如果这个缩写格式不适合,不要选中Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations,在ZoteroInfo下面的Journal Abbr字段内填写杂志的缩写,则会调用自已填写的杂志缩写,Juris—M对杂志缩写处理选项更多。


[1]   [2,3]   [4] 

[1]GUDERLEY H, BLIER P. Thermal acclimation in fish: conservative and labile properties of swimming muscle[J]. Can. J. Zool., 2011, 66(5). DOI:10.1139/z88-162.
[2]BANOVIC M, SVEINSDÓTTIR K. Importance of Being Analogue: Female Attitudes Towards Meat Analogue Containing Rapeseed Protein[J]. Food Control, 2021, 123: 107833. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107833.
[3]杨赫鸿, 李沛军, 孔保华, 等. 低场核磁共振技术在肉品科学研究中的应用[J]. 食品工业科技, 2012(13): 400–405.
[4]ELMASRY G, SUN D-W, ALLEN P. Non-destructive determination of water-holding capacity in fresh beef by using NIR hyperspectral imaging[J]. Food Res. Int., 2011, 44(9): 2624–2633. DOI:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.05.001.

  • 《经济社会体制比较》样式,china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-author-date-aulower-bilan.csl基础上修改,文末中文文献在前,英文在后。作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”

    存在问题:英文期刊题目要求为所有实词单词首字母大写,但由于采用了两个layout,在csl中设置为text-case="capitalize-first"时 所有单词都会大写,设置为text-case="title"时仅第一个单词和最后一个单词大写,因此现在没有设置,大小写与ZoteroTitle字段相同。


    (王琰等, 2021)
    (唐霄等, 2019; Yang et al., 2015)
    (Cavanna et al., 2019) 
    (何宇超等, 2020)

    何宇超、程琪琪、吴莉等, 2020:“高压脉冲电场法提取耐辐射奇球菌中类胡萝卜素的研究”,《核农学报》,2020, 02: 315–321。
    唐霄、孙杨赢、江雪婷等, 2019:“不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析”,《食品科学》,2019, 22: 141–146。
    王琰、 曾新安、蔡锦林, 2021:“不同的终止发酵的方法制备低醇菠萝酒”,《现代食品科技》,2021: 1–7。
    Cavanna D., Zanardi S., Dall’Asta C., et al., 2019. “Ion mobility spectrometry coupled to gas chromatography: A rapid tool to assess eggs freshness.” Food Chemistry. 271: 691–696.
    Yang H., Han M., Wang X., et al., 2015. “Effect of high pressure on cooking losses and functional properties of reduced-fat and reduced-salt pork sausage emulsions.” Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 29(1): 125–133.

  • china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-author-date的修改版,网友牛耕田buffalo_d@163.com)分享,Raymond修改,作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”


(Zhang et al., 2020; 唐霄等, 2019; Wu et al., 2016; 朱磊等, 2020)

唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等, 2019. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 40(22): 141–146.
朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等, 2020. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 41(09): 362–367.
Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al., 2016. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal Processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(10): 3334–3341. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7512.
Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al., 2020. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic Simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.


1 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
2 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.
3 ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic Simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.
4 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7512.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.




[1] 徐娜, 石金明, 何伟俊, 等. 宰后成熟对鸡肉风味的影响研究进展[J]. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2021, 12(02): 727–732. DOI:10.19812/j.cnki.jfsq11-5956/ts.2021.02.057.
[2] Yang H, Tao F, Cao G, et al. Stability improvement of reduced-fat reduced-salt meat batter through modulation of secondary and tertiary protein structures by means of high pressure processing[J]. Meat Science, 2021: 108439. DOI:10.1016/j.meatsci.2021.108439.
[3] Dong M, Tian H, Xu Y, et al. Effects of pulsed electric fields on the conformation and gelation properties of myofibrillar proteins isolated from pale, soft, exudative (pse)-like chicken breast meat: A molecular dynamics study[J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 342: 128306. DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128306.
[4] 李先保, 韩敏义, 费英, 等. 低场NMR法研究微生物转谷氨酰酶对猪肉肌原纤维蛋白凝胶功能特性的影响: 03[J]. 南京农业大学学报, 2009, 32(03): 130–134.

  • 网友牛耕田buffalo_d@163.com)分享,支持中文3个作者显示为“等”,英文显示为“et al”,文章的题目大小写为Title格式(每个实词首字母大写)。



[1] ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic Simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393. DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] WU L, ZHAO W, YANG R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal Processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7512.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.

china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-author-date-aulower-bilan.csl的修改版,正文中题录两侧括号为中文括号(),作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”。文章的题目大小写使用Zotero中的Title字段。不显示URLDOI


(唐霄等, 2019; 朱磊等, 2020; Yang et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2016)

唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等, 2019. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 40(22): 141–146.
朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等, 2020. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 41(09): 362–367.
Yang H, Han M, Wang X, et al., 2015. Effect of high pressure on cooking losses and functional properties of Reduced-fat and reduced-salt pork sausage emulsions[J]. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 29.
Zhao X, Chen X, Han M, et al., 2016. Application of isoelectric solubilization/precipitation processing to improve gelation properties of protein isolated from pale, soft, exudative (PSE)-like chicken breast meat[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 72: 141–148.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
Tang X, Sun Y Y, Jiang X T, et al. Comparative analysis of flavor peptides prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of goosemeat with different proteases [J]. Food Science, 2019,40 (22): 141-146.

[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.
Zhu L, Zhang X X, Xie Y Y, et al. Research progress on mechanism of plastein reactions and its modification function of marine proteins [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41 (09): 362–367.

china-national-standard-gb-t-7714-2015-numeric-aulower-bilan-nodoi.csl基础上修改,文献编号后面为空格,悬挂缩进一个单词,作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过3个为“等”,英文为“et al”。文章的题目大小写与Zotero中的Title字段一致,不显示URLDOI



[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] Wu L, Zhao W, Yang R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.


[1] ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146
TANG X, SUN Y Y, JIANG X T, et al. Comparative analysis of flavor peptides prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of goosemeat with different proteases [J]. Food Science, 2019,40 (22): 141-146.

[3] WU L, ZHAO W, YANG R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367
ZHU L, ZHANG X X, XIE Y Y, et al. Research progress on mechanism of plastein reactions and its modification function of marine proteins [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41 (09): 362–367.

  • njau-thesis.csl 的修改版,适用于华中农业大学 学位论文,规则见http://yjs.hzau.edu.cn/info/1202/3774.htm,正文中为作者年代格式,文末列表为数字格式。 中文文献排在前面,英文文献排在后面(需要在条目中将language英文设为en,中文为中文,否则无法实现按语言排序)。作者为首字母大写,支持中文作者超过20个为“等”,英文为“et al”。文章的题目大小写与Zotero中的Title字段一致,不显示URLDOI。英文期刊名称为斜体,缩写(需要将期刊缩写放在Zotero条目InfoJournal Abbr的字段才会缩写)。待提供更多文献类型进行测试。


(杨赫鸿等 2012, Ebert et al 2021, He et al 2013)

(刘克德 1998)

  1. 杨赫鸿, 李沛军, 孔保华, 刘骞, 李菁. 低场核磁共振技术在肉品科学研究中的应用. 2012(13): 400–405
  2. 刘克德. 水稻广亲和性遗传基础的全基因组分析及 S5 位点区 段部分物理图谱的构建. [博士学位论文]. 武汉: 华中农业大学,1998
  3. Ebert S, Kaplan S, Brettschneider K, Terjung N, Gibis M, Weiss J. Aggregation behavior of solubilized meat - potato protein mixtures. Food Hydro. 2021, 113: 106388
  4. He HJ, Wu D, Sun DW. Non-destructive and rapid analysis of moisture distribution in farmed atlantic salmon (salmo salar) fillets using visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. Inn Food Sci & Emer Tech. 2013, 18: 237–245

[1] ZHANG B, QI X, MAO J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation [J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
[3] WU L, ZHAO W, YANG R, et al. Aggregation of egg white proteins with pulsed electric fields and thermal processes [J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(10): 3334–3341.
[4] 朱磊, 张馨心, 谢艳英, 等. 类蛋白反应的作用机制及其对海洋源蛋白修饰的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(09): 362–367.


[1] Zhang B, Qi X, Mao J, et al. Trehalose and alginate oligosaccharides affect the stability of myosin in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): The water-replacement mechanism confirmed by molecular dynamic simulation[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 127: 109393.
[2] 唐霄, 孙杨赢, 江雪婷, 等. 不同蛋白酶制备鹅肉呈味肽的对比分析[J]. 食品科学, 2019, 40(22): 141–146.
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