

Matching Net model used for oneshot classification. This model is trained and evaluated in mini ImageNet. Refer to for detailed description.
Code is built under tensorflow slim framework. And use part of codes in repository
Special thanks to and I learned a lot in these implemetation.


Clone this repository and run the to try the demo!
You can also customize the demo to your application. Just run demo with your attributes as the following format

python ^
    --vector_size=80 ^
    --num_classes=10 ^
    --shot=5 ^
    --pic_size=224 ^
    --encode_graph=model/frozen_oneshot_base.pb ^
    --match_graph=model/oneshot_nfce10_5.pb ^


Windows 10
Python 3
Tensorflow r1.1.0
opencv 3.3.1

Prepare Datasets

Folder Structure

- MatchingNet   
  - data   
    - ${DATASET_NAME}   
      - train   
        ...images for train
      - val   
        ...images for validation
  ... other files and directories


For raw images are too big to feed into memory directly, I encode raw images into small vectors using trained CNN. You can following commands from MatchingNet directory to encode images into vectors and generate oneshot samples automatically. A .tfrecord file and a .npz file will appear in /MatchingNet/data/mini_imagenet/train. The .tfreord file contains oneshot samples and the .npz file contains encoded images.

python ^
    --dataset_dir=data/mini_imagenet/train ^
    --possible_classes=10 ^
    --shot=5 ^
    --samples=80000 ^
    --from_raw_images=False ^
    --checkpoint_path=model/frozen_mobilenet_v1_224_prediction.pb ^
    --output_node=MobilenetV1/Logits/SpatialSqueeze ^
    --batch_size=50 ^
    --device=GPU ^

Flag meaning

--dataset_dir A directory contains raw images or a .npz file containing encoded images. If is a .npz file, the encoding process will not be carried out. Instead, oneshot samples will be generated using vectors stored in the .npz file.
--possible_classes Number of classes to classify.
--shot Number of samples in one support class.
--from_raw_images Weather use CNN to encode images. If is True, images will not be encoded.
--checkpoint_path Path of a frozen graph.
--output_node A node of the frozen graph from which you want to get the output.
--batch_size Number of images encoded at one run. It depends on your computer, if you use CPU to encode images, this number is better set smaller.
--device Use CPU or GPU to run the encoding process.
--save_encoded_images Weather to create .npz file containing encoded images. You can reuse the .npz file to generate new oneshot samples without encoding images repeatedly.


Do not rename the files generated. The names of these files suggest possible_classes, shot, samples and output_node, which will be used in training and evaluating process.

Train Matching Net


After datasets prepared, you can run following commands to train matching net.

python ^
    --train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} ^
    --data_source=${DATA_PATH} ^
    --learning_rate=1000 ^
    --learning_rate_decay_type=fixed ^
    --fce=True ^
    --processing_step=5 ^
    --vector_size=80 ^
    --fc_num=2 ^
    --gradient_range=1e-6 ^

Flag meaning

--train_dir The directory to store checkpoints and summaries.
--data_source Path to .tfrecord file containing oneshot samples.
--learning_rate Learning rate.
--learning_rate_decay_type Specifies how the learning rate is decayed. One of fixed, exponential, or polynomial.
--from_raw_images Weather use CNN to encode images. If is True, images will not be encoded.
--fce Weather to use fully context embedding.
--processing_step Number of processing blocks in f embedding.
--vector_size Size of encoded images. It depends on output_node.
--fc_num Number of fully-connected layers in front of match layers.
--gradient_range Range of gradients. Used in gradient clipping.


For a better training result, I introduce layer normaliztion in matching net and use gradient clipping trick in training process. I cannot get a high-accuracy classify model just by training matching layers. So I add several fully-connected layers in front of matching layers. Matching net structure is in /MatchingNet/nets/matchnet. I think my implementation still has many problems I do not realize. If you have any advice, please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you very much.

Eval Matching Net

python ^
    --eval_dir=${EVAL_DIR} ^
    --checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} ^
    --data_source=${DATA_PATH} ^
    --fce=True ^
    --processing_step=5 ^
    --fc_num=2 ^

Export Interference Graph

python ^
    --output_file=${OUTPUT_FILE_PATH} ^
    --possible_classes=5 ^
    --shot=5 ^
    --fc_num=2 ^
    --vector_size=80 ^
    --processing_step=5 ^

Freeze Graph

python ^
    --input_graph=${INTERFERENCE_GRAPH_PATH} ^
    --input_checkpoint=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} ^
    --input_binary=true  ^
    --output_graph=${OUTPUT_FILE_PATH} ^


This file is copied from tensorflow repository.