
Primary LanguagePython

This repo serves as an introduction to compiling numerical Python programs (A Python compiler). The source code is kept as simple as possible and each day is a small step forward based on the previous day. We will start from hand-coding simple functions, and gradually try to automatally generate/optimize them using a compiler.

Following the tutorial, you will learn:

  • Basic CUDA programming
  • How to accelerate your numerical code using parallelization, fusion and tiling
  • How a compiler automatically generates and optimizes numerical code/loops

The end result is, given a function like the following:

def foo(a):
    b = exp(a)
    c = b.sum(axis=1)
    d = b / c
    return d

You will know how to make this code run much faster on CPU/GPU by just adding one line, like this

def foo(a):
    b = exp(a)
    c = b.sum(axis=1)
    d = b / c
    return d

and understand why it runs faster!


  • pytorch
  • cupy

You will also need a Nvidia GPU to run the code. For now we generate CUDA code and compute on the GPU by default.

Day 1

Implement a JIT compiler using Python decorator!

Day 2

Implement a simple matrix exp function in CUDA!

Day 3

Make the exp kernel more efficient by using more parallelism! Now the performance already matches cuBLAS.

Day 4

Simplify the kernel code by using 2D partitioning. The pitfall is partitioning the rows to x dim.

Day 5

First taste of fusion by creating a fused exp-div kernel!

Day 6

Introducing reduction by a simple implementation of softmax.

Day 7

Use parallel reduction and shared memory to make the softmax implementation more efficient.

Day 8

More parallel reduction.

Day 9

Make the softmax even more efficient by storing exp(a) in fast memory and eliminate reloading from global memory.

Day 10

Trying out template-based dynamic code generation.