

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Track C.elegans and light single C.elegans inside microscope by LCD projector. This project is code by PyQt5 and Python2 in anaconda, which is tested on Archlinux.

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~	      ~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  |	     |	      |	       |      |  User Interface: |      |            |
  |          |	      |        |      | 1. Show Image    |	| Project    |
  |          |    \   |	       |   \  |	2. Select ROI    |   \	| image	     |
  | Camera:  |-----\  | Andor  |----\ |	3. Set Parameters|----\ | into 	     |
  |Andor Zyla|-----/  | SDK3   |----/ |	 --------------- |----/	| Microscope |
  |   (5.2)  |	  /   |	       |   /  |	 Calculation:	 |   /	|	     |
  |          |	      |        |      | Generate image   |	|	     |
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~	      ~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. Install Andor SDK3 in ArchLinux or Deepin
# Andor sdk3 only run below linux kernel 4, so I install linux kernel 3.16
# Prepare tool for kenel compile from AUR in ArchLinux
sudo pacman -S linux-headers numactl
yaourt linux-lts316
# Mannual download kernel tar and compile with standard procedure
wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-3.16.79.tar.xz
unxz -v linux-3.16.79.tar.xz
wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-3.16.79.tar.sign
gpg --verify linux-3.16.79.tar.sign
gpg --recv-keys <public key>
tar xvf linux-3.16.79.tar
cd linux-3.16.79
cp -v /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses-dev bison flex libssl-dev libelf-dev
make menuconfig
make -j 4
make modules_install
make install

# Update grub to boot kernel 3.16 as default(optinal)
vim /etc/default/grub
GRUB_DEFAULT="Advanced options for Deepin 15.11 GNU/Linux>Deepin 15.11 GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.16.79"

# Enter bitflow dir to install bitflow module
cd ./bitflow
./install # it will recompile bitflow.ko
vim .bashrc
export BITFLOW_INSTALL_DIRS=/home/qblab/Bin/Andor_Linux/bitflow
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/qblab/Bin/Andor_Linux/bitflow/64b/lib

# Enter the andor directory and run
sudo ./install_andor
# Then I add the follow configure to /etc/systemd/system
# andorcameralink.service                                            

Description= Andor Camera Link



The andorsetting.sh is

sudo modprobe v4l2_common
#sudo modprobe v4l1_compat
sudo modprobe videodev
sudo insmod /usr/local/mod/bitflow.ko fwDealy1=200 customFlags=1
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/video*

The andorcameralink.service is enable by

systemctl enable andorcameralink.service

Add the nopat kernel option to the bootloader by editing /etc/default/grub, adding nopat to the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and running sudo update-grub. You can check that the option is active by printing out /proc/cmdline, if it is not not the case, reboot your computer.

The official examples can run.

All software run but show AT_ERR_NODATA during live, I switch PCI slot and close C-state in DELL bios. Finally work!

  1. Compilation and installatin of Lima
  • Dependents
sudo pacman -S python-sip
sudo pip install numpy  
  • Compilation
# generate config.inc
# Edit the configuration file config.inc
# Configure all python modules
make config
# Finally compile all C++ libraries
# Compile all Python modules
make -C sip -j3
  • Installation
sudo make install
# Update environment for python and library paths
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<my-new-install-dir>/Lima/lib
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<my-new-install-dir>
  1. Install Micro-manager In ArchLinux, following office document and commit from micromanager AUR

In deepin 15.11, hadim have coded a great mm build script. Only little modification are required.




GNU General Public License v3.0