Gna is a tool that allows you to share text and images in the clipboard between multiple computers, similar in use to the handoff between Apple devices, and currently supports cross-platform communication between Linux, Mac and Windows devices.
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
sudo apt install libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev
chmod +x ~/Downloads/mac-v1.1.1/gna
mv ~/Downloads/mac-v1.1.1/gna /usr/local/bin/gna
// 会让gna以server模式运行在本机的8888端口
gna -p 8888
// 会让gna以client模式连接运行在192.168.10.2的8888端口的server
gna -c
// 会让gna直接以上次运行的命令再次运行
1.You need x11 environment to run on linux, it is recommended to install x11 environment first according to the following command
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
sudo apt install libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev
2.Download the zip file for your platform from "Releases" on the right side of the page and unzip it to get the binary file "gna". For Mac platform, for example, you can execute the following commands for further use
chmod +x ~/Downloads/mac-v1.1.1/gna
mv ~/Downloads/mac-v1.1.1/gna /usr/local/bin/gna
After completing the above settings, you can execute the program directly by typing gna in the command line. If gna is intercepted the first time you run it on Mac, you need to go to "System Preferences->Security and Privacy" to allow gna to execute.
// will make gna run in server mode on port 8888 of the local machine
gna -p 8888
// will let gna connect to the server running on port 8888 of in client mode
gna -c
// will make gna run the command directly again from the previous run