
A Parallel GPU Implementation of PageRank Algorithm

Primary LanguageCuda


This is github repository of EE361C term project: "A Parallel GPU Implementation of PageRank Algorithm".

To run our implementation (facilitated version), please follow the instructions below:

  • Make sure you have the access to TACC or other mahcine which enables sbatch.
  • Load cuda and gcc library.
  • Starting from the home directory of this respository, go to the power folder: cd power.
  • Open the main.cu program, choose the dataset you want, which is located in the data folder.
  • Give running priviledge to the script in the power folder using chmod +x run.sh.
  • Excute the script: ./run.sh.
  • Then, you will get the output in the power/output folder.

Test Criteria: if the algorithm terminates in a reasonable time, and the end differece is smaller than the requirement (e.g. 1e-4), the algorithm is successful.