opencv-contrib-python version
Grem-Lin opened this issue · 0 comments
Grem-Lin commented
I am trying to use your GMS feature matcher in python. But, in your python example code, you import matchGMS by "from cv2.xfeatures2d import matchGMS". Could you please make it clear about what opencv-contrib-python version did you use that included this package? Also, could you please tell us the python version that you used for this?
I am currently testing on two versions and none of them worked:
(1) python3.6 with opencv-contrib-python (from cv2.xfeatures2d import matchGMS ImportError: cannot import name 'matchGMS')
(2) python3.7 with opencv-contrib-python (cv2.xfeatures2d). Note that opencv4.5 has matchGMS feature but opencv-contrib-python only has 4.4