
Embedded midterm project, with K64F

Primary LanguageC++

Embedded Midterm Project, with mbed K64F

* Topic

Temperature Notifier

* Function

  1. 每秒更新TMP sensor 的值在LCD上
  2. SpeakUp Click 隨時偵測使用者的指令
  3. K64F 和 PC 以BLE連接,當SpeakUp Click 偵測到指令時傳送當前溫度到PC
  4. 當BLE傳輸時板子的綠燈亮

* Hardware Component

  1. mbed K64F
  2. TMP102 Temperature Sensor (I2C)
  3. LCD1602 (HD44780)
  4. BLE2 click (UART)
  5. SpeakUp click (GPIO)

* Picture of Final Work

We can see LCD, part of SpeakUp, and Temperature Sensor outside the box.

K64F, BLE2 click, and numerous wires hide in the box.

* Implementation

  1. Update temperature by Ticker
  2. Vocal command serve as an InterruptIn

* Problem Countered

  1. SpeakUp Click command detection SpeakUp 無法正確辨識出指令,利用手機錄指令後,每次要傳遞指令時播放錄音。