Purchase Records API

Implementation of SUNAT purchase records using DDD.

Start dev environment

  1. Run the docker container services:
docker-compose up
  1. To enter the web container use:
docker exec -it invoicing-web-1 sh
  1. Install dependencies (on sh):
composer install
  1. Clone the .env.example file to .env and replace the variables for your own.
  2. Run the migrations (on sh):
php artisan migrate
  1. Enter to http://localhost:8090 to use the api.

Build the docs

  1. Install node.
  2. Run npm install -g swagger-cli
  3. Go to docs folder and run swagger-cli bundle openapi.yml --outfile _build/openapi.yml --type yaml
  4. You can check the full overview of openapi docs on docs/_build/openapi.yml