
Easy SchemaSpy configuration using docker & json to HTML, XML and Markdown

Primary LanguagePython

SchemaSpy Docker Setup

SchemaSpy Docker Setup

Simple configuration to run SchemaSpy using docker.



  1. Clone the schemaspy.properties.example and rename the copy to schemaspy.properties.
  2. Fill the next information with your own on the schema.properties.


Note: If the host is running on your PC, docker sets the host at by default, but you can change it if not.

  1. Clone the .env.example file into .env file.
  2. Set the URL to download the .jar associated to connector of your DB type. Also, you can uncomment/comment the default that there are on .env.example.

Fast Installation and Execution

  1. Run the start.sh file.
sudo sh ./start.sh
  1. Open the index.html file at the output directory.


  1. Build the container.
docker-compose build
  1. Run the container.
docker-compose up
  1. Access to the docker container throught bash terminal.
docker exec -it schemaspy_ubuntu /bin/bash
  1. Run the following command.
rm -r output/* && java -Djavax.xml.accessExternalDTD=all -jar schemaspy-exec.jar -configFile schemaspy/schemaspy.properties
  1. Open the index.html file in the output directory to see the documentation.

  2. Optionally, you can run schema spy without enter to bash.

docker exec schemaspy_ubuntu bash -c 'rm -r output/* && java -Djavax.xml.accessExternalDTD=all -jar schemaspy-exec.jar -configFile schemaspy/schemaspy.properties'

Dependencies Information

How to add documentation for new table?

  1. Create a json file in src/tables/json/es with the name of table using lower_snake_case.
  2. Complete the json file using the schema provided.
  "name": "name_of_the_table_using_snake_case",
  "comments": "...",
  "columns": [
      "name": "...",
      "type": "...",
      "comments": "..."
  1. Go to src/docs.xml and at the next entry following keep the asc order.
<!ENTITY name_of_the_table_using_snake_case SYSTEM "tables/xml/es/name_of_the_table_using_snake_case.xml">
  1. Run the script sudo sh ./start.sh, or use the commands inside it.
  2. Upload the changes in a new pull request. Check the past pull requests to use the same structure.