
📚 Jiho's CS Academic Notes @ Purdue University

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📚 Computer Science Academic Notes

  • To Be Updated
    - Assignments (Project, Homework)
    - Lecture notes
    - Policy & License


Jiho Choi

  • B.S. in Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2013 - 2017
  • Concentrations
    • Systems
    • Software Engineering
    • Computational Science & Engineering
  • Individual Research (Undergraduate Research)
    • Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing Security
  • Teaching Assistant
    • Computer Architecture


Computer Science

Course Title Keywords
CS180 Problem Solving and Object-Oriented Programing JAVA OOP
CS182 Foundations of Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics Discrete Math
CS190 Tools / Leaning Community Version Control Debugging
CS240 Programming In C C/C++
CS250 Computer Architecture Computer Architecture Computer Organization
CS251 Data Structures and Algorithms Data Structure
CS252 Systems Programming Intro to Systems OS/Compiler/Network Lisp
CS307 Software Engineering I Design Pattern GoF Workflow Agile Documentation
CS314 Numerical Methods Numerical Analysis
CS352 Compilers: Principles And Practice Compiler MiniScala
CS354 Operating Systems OS XINU
CS381 Introduction to The Analysis Of Algorithms Algorithm CLRS
CS390 Cloud Computing Security Distributed Systems Apache Storm
CS390 Competitive Programing I ICPC HackerRank
CS408 Software Testing Testing QA Continuous Integration
CS422 Computer Networks Network OSI Torrent
CS426 Computer Security Software Security Network Security
CS448 Introduction to Relational Database Systems Database Apache Hadoop

Mathematics / Statistics

Course Title
MA261 Multivariate Calculus
MA265 Linear Algebra
MA266 Ordinary Differential Equations
STAT350 Introduction to Statistics

Course Flowchart


180 182 240 250 250
251 251 252 252 307
314 352 354 354 381
408 422 422 426 448