
Hangouts Chat connector for Botpress

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Hangouts Chat connector for Botpress

Example usage


module.exports = function(bp) {
  bp.hear(/ADDED_TO_SPACE_ROOM/i, (event, next) => {
      `Thanks for adding me to ${event.space.displayName}!`
  bp.hear(/ADDED_TO_SPACE_DM/i, (event, next) => {
    bp.hangoutsChat.sendMessage(event.space.name, 'Thanks for adding me!');
  bp.hear(/hello|hi|test|hey|hola/i, (event, next) => {
    bp.hangoutsChat.sendMessage(event.space.name, 'Hello human!');
      type: /message|text/i,
      text: /.+/i
    (event, next) => {
      bp.hangoutsChat.sendMessage(event.space.name, `You said ${event.text}`);


We haven't published to npm, so please clone this repository somewhere and compile it with npm rum compile. You can also run npm run watch to automatically recompile when you make changes (useful when developing). After that, you can install this module in your botpress project.

botpress install /path/to/botpress-hangouts-chat

Now you can use the npm link command to link the module with a symbolic link (instead of having to re-install it at every change):

npm link /path/to/botpress-hangouts-chat

Get started

To setup connexion of your chatbot to Hangouts Chat, you need to go to http://localhost:3000/modules/botpress-hangouts-chat (change the port if necessary) and enter your credentials.

client_email and private_key will be in the JSON private key that Google Cloud gives you when you create a service account (see Hangouts Chat docs). verification_token will be in the "API & Services" dashboard in your Google Cloud developer console, in the Hangouts Chat API configuration tab (see Hangouts Chat docs).

You also have to append /api/botpress-hangouts-chat at the end of the "Bot URL" field in the connection settings of the Hangouts Chat API configuration in your Google Cloud developer console (e.g. if your base URL is https://example.com, then this field should contain https://example.com/api/botpress-hangouts-chat.



You can listen to incoming event easily with Botpress by using bp built-in hear function.

  { platform: 'hangouts-chat', type: 'message', text: 'Hello' },
  (event, next) => {
    bp.hangoutsChat.sendMessage(event.space.name, 'Welcome!');

Bellow is the information we provide in event for each type of event. If you want more details about the Hangouts Chat objects, see the documentation for:

Added to space

If you're added to a room

  type: 'added_to_room',
  platform: 'hangouts-chat',
  space: [Object],
  user: [Object],
  raw: [Object]

If you're added to an user's direct message

  type: 'added_to_dm',
  platform: 'hangouts-chat',
  text: 'ADDED_TO_SPACE_DM',
  space: [Object],
  user: [Object],
  raw: [Object]


An event is sent to middlewares for each incoming message from Hangouts Chat (a DM or when someone in a room @ your bot) with all specific information.

  type: 'message',
  platform: 'hangouts-chat',
  text: [String],
  space: [Object],
  user: [Object],
  thread: [String],
  raw: [Object]

Removed from space

  type: 'removed_from_space',
  platform: 'hangouts-chat',
  space: [Object],
  user: [Object],
  raw: [Object]


With this module you can send text messages and include cards. We don't support card actions or buttons as of right now.

In code, it is simple to send a message text to a specific space (see Hangouts Chat docs).

bp.hangoutsChat.sendMessage(spaceName, text, cards)
  1. spaceName (String): The name of a Hangouts Chat space, corresponding to the space where you want to send a message. It has the form space/*. See Hangouts Chat Docs for spaces.
  2. text (String): Text message that will be sent to space.
  3. cards (Array of cards): The cards that will be sent. Defaults to []. See below how to create cards.
  • (Promise) The promise resolves with the response from the server when the message was successfully sent to Hangouts Chat, and throws an error otherwise.

Creating cards

Cards in Hangouts Chat have a header and various sections. Each section is composed of widgets. See more information about cards in the Hangouts Chat documentation.


bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createCard({ header, sections })
  • header (Card header object): The cards's header. Defaults to {}.
  • sections (Array of section objects): The sections of the card. Defaults to [].
  • (Object) A card object.

Card header

bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createCardHeader({ title, subtitle, imageStyle, imageUrl })
  • title (String): The header's title. Defaults to ''.
  • subtitle (String): The header's subtitle. Defaults to ''.
  • imageStyle ('IMAGE' | 'AVATAR'): The header's image style. 'IMAGE' means square border, 'AVATAR' means circular border. Defaults to undefined.
  • imageUrl (String): The header's image. Defaults to undefined.
  • (Object) A card header object.


bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createSection({ header, widgets })
  • header (String): The section's title, text formatting supported. Defaults to ''.
  • widgets (Array of widgets): The widgets of the section. Defaults to [].
  • (Object) A section object.

Text paragraph widget

  • text (String): Text to be displayed, text formatting supported. Defaults to ''.
  • (Object) A widget object.

Image widget

bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createImageWidget({ imageUrl, aspectRatio })
  • imageUrl (String): The URL of the image.
  • aspectRatio (Number): The aspect ratio of this image (width/height). Defaults to undefined, meaning the original aspect ratio.
  • (Object) A widget object.

KeyValue widget

bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createKeyValueWidget({ topLabel, content, contentMultiline, bottomLabel, icon })
  • topLabel (String): The text of the top label. Formatted text supported. Defaults to ''.
  • content (String): The text of the content. Formatted text supported. Defaults to ''.
  • contentMultiline (Boolean): If the content should be multiline. Defaults to false.
  • bottomLabel (String): The text of the bottom label. Formatted text supported. Defaults to ''.
  • icon (String): An enum value that will be replaced by the Chat API with the corresponding icon image. Defaults to undefined.
  • (Object) A widget object.


// Create a section with a text paragraph widget and a key-value widget
const textWidget = bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createTextParagraphWidget(
  '<b>Roses</b> are <font color="#ff0000">red</font>,<br><i>Violets</i> are <font color="#0000ff">blue</font>'
const keyValueWidget = bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createKeyValueWidget({
  topLabel: 'Key',
  content: 'Value',
  icon: 'STAR'
const textSection = bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createSection({
  header: 'Text header',
  widgets: [textWidget, keyValueWidget]

// Create a section with an image widget
const imageWidget = bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createImageWidget({
  imageUrl: 'http://oi40.tinypic.com/flevpd.jpg'
const imageSection = bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createSection({
  header: 'Image header',
  widgets: [imageWidget]

// Create the card's header
const header = bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createCardHeader({
  title: 'Title',
  subtitle: 'Subtitle'

// Create a card
const card = bp.hangoutsChat.cards.createCard({
  sections: [textSection, imageSection]

// Note that you must always pass an array of cards to hangoutsChat.sendMessage
bp.hangoutsChat.sendMessage(event.space.name, '', [card]);

Creating actions without sending them

You can create middleware events without sending them to the outgoing middleware. This is useful for example in conversations:

// This message won't be sent
const message = bp.hangoutsChat.createMessage(event.space.name, 'Hello!');
// But `message` is a fully formed middleware event object, ready to be sent